Sports Massage Therapy Benefits

Benefits of sports massage are many, especially for athletes and other sports professionals. Every sport uses a specific muscle, as its priority. The therapist needs to know the details regarding the various muscles, their functioning and the stress and strain associated with each sport.

The most commonly used massage technique is the Swedish massage. Acupressure, deep tissue and trigger point massage are the other kind of massages,.



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which are generally opted for Sports massage is an integral part of the various schedule of a sports individual.

There are various types of massages:

  • Swedish massage - based on vibration, effleurage and petrissage
  • Cross fibre massage - involves the stretching of the affected area. Adhesions of any kind are reduced and made strong.
  • Compression massage - a warm up massage used prior to any other massage. It is performed by rhythmic compression of the muscles to soften the tissues.
  • Trigger point massage - concentrates on the trigger points of the tissues and muscles.

A number of physiological and psychological benefits are derived from sports massage. Benefits of sports massage therapy include reduction of recovery time between workouts. It enhances the flexibility of the muscles and improves the range of motion of the muscles, thereby helping in the performance and power. The metabolic by-products of exercise are easily eliminated by sports massage. Circulation is enhanced, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the various parts of the body. The risk of injury during preparation and stretching is reduced. Stress reduction is widely seen. Itch, pain, tension and depression are decreased by massage.

Recovery from injury or any form of exercise is hastened.

There is a reduction in the onset of muscle soreness. No negative demerits are seen. The strokes involved in this massage are performed towards the heart, thereby increasing the lymphatic and venous flow. No damage to any blood vessels is seen to occur. Imbalances in the muscles are reduced by a massage. Sports massage benefits an individual by protecting from injury and wounds.

Sports massage decreases stiffness of muscles and tension. Muscle spasms, scar tissue formation and musculo-skeletal problems are decreased. Sports massage helps in deep and easy breathing. Psychological benefits include increased body-mind connection. Mental alertness is improved and elasticity of tissues is enhanced. Stress signals are appropriately recognised and managed. Muscle stress associated with excessive work out is reduced. Individuals with osteoporosis, cancer, bursitis, phlebitis, inflammation, melanoma, haemophilia, contusions, aneurysm, hernia, hypertension and other complications require medical attention, prior to a sports massage.

Sports Massage Benefits
Benefits of Sports Massage Therapy
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