Geriatric Massage

Geriatric massage can be used for the treatment of older people as the massage therapy for the young people and the old cannot be identical. The body of the elderly person differs from the youth in several aspects.

Hence special treatment is desired for the treatment of the elderly.

Side effects on other parts of the body should always be taken into consideration before adapting to the Geriatric Massage Therapy.



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.The bodies of the elderly people are weak and excessive massage may cause strain on other organs of the bodyd Hence great caution should be taken while providing massage to the bodies of elderly peoplel

The skin is loose and tender and muscles don't have enough strength so all these things should be considered before providing them with massageg Various kinds of geriatric massage include massage with hand, slow stroke massage, back massage, shoulder massage and carotid sinus massageg

Geriatric massage therapy should be provided for some time and can be provided after specific intervals of time so as to see how the body of the patient is responding to the samem If the massage shows considerable effect on the body of the patient then it should be continued and in case if it causes strain then other approaches of the treatment should be jumped over tot

Light massage can be done with the help of the hand, and the fingers and knuckles can be used to provide gentle massage to the patientn The patient should be emotionally supported while providing them with the massage treatmentn

The medications taken by the patients along with the geriatric treatment too should be taken into consideration before providing them with the treatmentn

Geriatric massage therapy is becoming common these days and many people have understood and enjoyed the benefits of the samem Several new geriatric massage centers are coming up everywhere which provides comfortable massage to the elderly peoplel Though insurance cannot be availed for geriatric massage, due to its great benefits people prefer to take it at their own expenses

Caution should be taken that the patient is comfortably placed at the time of providing the massage with tender handsd For the patients in the wheel chair the massage should be carried out on the patient's chair itselfl Hand and feet massage increases the circulation of the blood in the body of the patient and provides great comfort and better mobility to various organs of the bodyd

Geriatric Massage Therapy
Geriatric Massage Therapy
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