What is PUSH Therapy?

Our muscles are the most used tissues of our body. They constantly expand and contract to facilitate every sort of movement. Over a period of time muscles may get fatigued.

When a fatigued muscle is strained, it contracts. This constricts the flow of blood to the affected muscle and causes pain. This form of chronic muscular tension can be alleviated through PUSH therapy.


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PUSH therapy is a form of therapeutic massage that stands for 'Power Under Soft Hands'

How Does PUSH Therapy work?

PUSH therapy seeks to alleviate chronic muscular tension and its associated symptoms by applying gentle pressure across the muscle fibers. The pressure may be applied using fingers, elbows or knees. The application of gentle pressure stimulates and eases the affected muscle fibers, causing them to relax and allowing more blood to flow to the area. This process releases the chronic tension and restores the muscle to its normal function.

Prior to starting a session of therapy, the condition of the patient is thoroughly evaluated and treatment goals and associated techniques are planned. The therapist then uses special PUSH therapy techniques to manipulate and stimulate the affected areas. Treatment is carried out with the patient fully clothed. Patients may also be taught special PUSH therapy techniques and exercises so that they can take steps to prevent re-occurrence of the ailment.

What Are The Benefits Pf Push Therapy?

PUSH therapy was designed to relieve chronic pain in muscles, tendons or ligaments. It has been proven to be highly effective in dealing with the painful symptoms associated with chronic muscular tension. Another unique feature of this massage therapy is that it treats the entire body as an integrated unit. Thus, a course of PUSH therapy will not help alleviate aches and pains from the affected areas but also help to improve the posture and function of the entire body.

PUSH therapy has been effectively used to treat numerous ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sciatica, knee, hip and back pain, rotary cuffs, bursitis, compressed discs, restless leg syndrome, plantar fasciitis, chronic headaches, TMJ syndrome and pain associated with whiplash injuries.

Precautions :

PUSH therapy is an intensive form of massage therapy that is used to garner fast results. As such treatment should be avoided or postponed during periods of pregnancy, or the post-surgery recovery period. People with bone fractures, open lesions or severe osteoporosis should also avoid PUSH therapy.

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