Acupressure Foot Massage

An acupressure foot massage is also referred to as foot reflexology and can be performed by the individual personally. However, the acupressure foot massage is popularly done by most people as part of their regular exercise regime in order to loosen up and stimulate their feet.

One of its many benefits includes improving the blood circulation to the feet and energizing the internal organs and leading activation meridians that end in the feet.



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Acupressure and Therapeutic Massage

.The Acupressure Foot Massage has been used as a self therapy treatment in China for over centuries and is known to be an uncomplicated yet effective form of treatment to take control of one's own welfarer The acupressure foot massage is an effective therapeutic treatment as the use of particular acupressure points in the foot can be manipulated to relieve pain and improve the sleep patterns of the individual, in addition to using it as a tool for general health maintenance and preventing illnessese

Benefits of Acupressure Foot Massage

Acupressure foot massage is an extremely advantageous health technique on its own, and is also known to have little or no side effects at alll The massage helps to open up major energy channel in the limbs and studies have shown the numerous benefits from acupressure foot massage and from reflexologyg Foot ulcers among diabetic patients respond extremely well with the acupressure foot massageg Most people with diabetes find it hard to heal the foot ulcers but the acupressure foot massage helps in improving the local circulation of blood in that part of the infected foot and have shown remarkable results in healing the ulcersr The foot massage is also used among individuals coping with cancer as the massage when used as a complementary therapy to conventional medication helps to decrease anxiety, pain and discomfort, nausea and malaise in such patientst

Pain after surgery can also be effectively dealt with, with the help of foot massagese Most post-operative patients face extreme pain and discomfort after a surgery and according to some studies the levels of pain, and heart rate decreased while respiratory rate improved among those who underwent acupressure massagese Other disorders such as artery blockages or disease, hypertension, etct also benefited from the regular sue of acupressure foot massageg Even among elderly people the reflexology used in acupressure massages helped to reduce the stress and depression in such individualsl In addition the acupressure foot massage also strengthens the immune system and improves systolic blood pressurer

Acupressure Foot Massage
Acupressure Foot Massage
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