When Can I Start Massaging After a Breast Augmentation?

(October 11, 2012)

A breast massage post augmentation is part of treatment that varies with different doctors. The time line for starting the recuperative massage after the surgery is something that is best discussed with your doctor. Doctors often call this massage ‘implant movement’ exercises. Typically in the first week after the surgery, the breasts are very tender and tend to be stiff.

The massage is important because the human body typically does not let the implant get into position easily. The massage helps the implant move into the implant pocket that gets created when the implant is placed in the breast. As this massage is done regularly, the augmented breast does not form a big scar and retains its suppleness.  

Typically the massage can start one week after the surgery, usually after the first visit in post -operative care. The pain of the surgery usually discourages the massage. Massage can also start aggressively after the third week of surgery. Doctors expect you to massage your breasts about 2-3 hours every day, then 2-3 times a day for about 3-4 weeks and finally, once a day, for the rest of your life.  This type of massage is generally for breast augmentation procedures using silicone or saline implants and not breast reconstructions.

Submitted by A V on October 11, 2012 at 01:58

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