Yoga Technique for Depression

Yoga therapy has solutions to almost all of man's ailments. In fact, Yoga tells us that all illnesses (vyadhis) stem from the mind and can be healed through Yoga techniques.

Likewise, Yoga technique for depression is known to be highly effective in dealing with the condition. Given below is one such technique and steps for doing it.

Malasana - Mala literally means "Garland"


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Malasana - Mala literally means "Garland"


  • Squat on your haunches both your feet put close together .Your soles and heels must be completely resting on the floor. Raise your seat from the floor and balance yourself on your feet.
  • Spread your thighs and knees and move your trunk forward until your armpits extend beyond your knees.
  • Arch your body forward and catch the back of both your ankles.
  • After taking hold of your ankles, exhale then move your head down to your toes to rest your forehead on them.
  • Hold the position for around a minute. Breathe normally.
  • Take a deep breath, raise your head, release your ankles and relax on the floor.
  • Now breathe out, bend forwards and rest your head on the floor.

    Hold this pose for half to one minute. Breathe normally.
  • Inhale, raise your head from the floor and come back to starting position.
  • Release your hands and lie down on the floor.

Effects of Malasana (Garland Pose)

  • Malasana tones up your abdominal organs and relieves backaches.
  • Helps in chronic physical symptoms which don't respond to treatment, like headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain.
  • Some sorts of depression are hereditary. This suggests that a biological vulnerability can be inherited. It seems that supplementary factors, perhaps stresses at home, work, or school, are involved in its arrival.
Depression And Yoga Technique
Yoga Technique for Depression
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