Yoga Relaxation Benefits

By Patricia | May 5, 2009
Yoga Relaxation

Benefits Of Yoga Relaxation

The effects of yoga relaxation techniques are many and diverse. People practicing yoga relaxation techniques report a number experiences, especially a profound upliftment of their mental health. The specific effects of yoga relaxation techniques can be classified as:

  1. Stress reduction
  2. Increase in self-awareness
  3. Better mental performance
  4. Improved overall health

Stress reduction

Most people practicing yoga relaxation techniques talk of freeing their mind from stress and tension, steadying the mind or calming the spirit. Stress reduction also results in lower levels of irritability and confusion, nervousness, mental fatigue and depression. They speak of relief from the pressures and hassles of daily life. Of course, the extent to which you experience these benefits depends, largely, on how you approach and do the practices – willingly and wholeheartedly or just with an eye on the results.

Increase in self-awareness

Yoga relaxation techniques help increase self-awareness, both on the physical as well as at the psychological level. This helps you to take early responsive action, rather than react impulsively at a later date. You experience this in such little things as adjusting your posture, at the very first signs of discomfort. People, who learn to induce relaxation, are able to adjust themselves to anxiety and distress. Practicing yoga relaxation techniques also provides chronic pain sufferers very useful tools to cope well with their aches and pains, and counter feelings of depression and helplessness.

Better mental performance

Yoga relaxation techniques result in increased brain activity associated, in turn, with enhanced work performance. Experts say that yoga relaxation techniques even help improve your cognitive performance. Studies have shown that relaxation techniques, over time, result in improvement in individual performance, be it in the office, at home or at a social gathering. It all boils down to better responsiveness.

Improved overall health

This is, probably, one of the best benefits for which Yoga is being assessed; it’s potential in healing a variety of illnesses, including:

  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Chronic Constipation’
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Respiratory Ailments
  • Skin Diseases
  • Anxiety and Depression

Studies reveal that yoga relaxation techniques help people take control of a wide range of physical and mental functions. These include:

  • Lower anxiety
  • Higher resistance to stress
  • Better concentration
  • Better responsiveness to life’s situations
  • Stable blood pressure
  • More efficient heart functioning
  • Better lung functioning
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