Yantra Yoga: A Technique For Attaining A Solution

By Patricia | November 11, 2008
Yantra Yoga: A Technique For Attaining A Solution

Yantra Yoga is a simple system of mathematics and geometry, though it may seem complex at first blush. Yantra means a tool, a symbol a formula or a technique for attaining a solution. It assigns values to all the forces that comprise the Cosmic whole. These forces are mapped out just like geometric patterns through mathematical formulas. They are the kind of patterns you normally see in snowflakes, and crystals flowers.

The whole Universe is unfolding as an ever burgeoning concentric geometric pattern and flows outward to its extremities. Yantras mean ‘instruments’, or more just merely ‘symbols’. They are normally used to concentrate and achieve one-pointedness. Traditionally they were always used in Oriental mysticism for mental equilibrium and to focus the mind on a spiritual concept. The process of concentrating on a yantra has tremendous spiritual or mystical benefits.

Symbols Of Yantra Yoga

Patterns, shapes and symbols most commonly used in Yantra Yoga are triangles, squares, circles and floral patterns. However, there are also some complicated and detailed symbols, such as:

  1. The lotus, characteristically symbolizes the 7 chakras. Each floral petal stands for a specific psychic propensity that is related to that chakra.
  2. A dot symbolizes starting point. In Yantra Yoga it represents the start or beginning of creation, the infinite, unexpressed process of bringing into being and its sustenance.
  3. Then there is the Star of David, or so it looks like. It is called Shatkona in Sanskrit and is composed of the balance between:
  • An rising triangle symbolizing action or extrovertedness
  • A descending triangle symbolizing meditativeness or introversion

The Indian swastika is opposite of the Nazi symbol and runs clockwise while the Nazi swastika runs counter-clockwise. It symbolizes prosperity, good luck and, above all spiritual victory

Bija (seed) mantras (generally written in characters of the Devan?gar? script) symbolize the acoustic roots of specific vrittis or chakras.

The instruments of Yantra Yoga serve as symbolic channels representing cosmic truths. Yantras, as spiritual instruments can be used as conceptual looms or mapping machines. Certain Yantras (instruments, signs and symbols) are used to symbolize the energetic signs of cosmic consciousness. Yantras are often rendered as 2-dimensional art, and were conceived and conceptualized by the founding fathers as sacred structural designs, hallowed and sanctified, for guiding followers through astral and spiritual travels. So, to this extent, Yantras are identical with modern day signs and symbols of mathematics, engineering and technology, except that they serve spiritual purposes such as in meditation and trance stimulation that helps turn the gross into the subtle for purposes of better concentration and, at later stages, for attaining siddhis (spiritual powers).

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