Causes Of Hemorrhoids & Preventing It

By Patricia | May 29, 2009

Piles: When a person is affected with piles, the veins in the region of the anus become swollen and bleed. While these are also called hemorrhoids, piles should not be confused with fissures. Piles can be external or internal.

Internal piles happen when the piles affect the internal part of the anus and causes bleeding. In external piles, the affected area can be seen as well as felt on the outside of the anus. External piles can be painful but does not cause too much of bleeding. Commonly, people get piles that are a combination of internal and external types.

Stages: Piles can happen in different stages, which are known as grades in medical terms.

  • First-grade piles
    – This develops inside the anal canal or the rectum.

  • Second-grade piles – There is a protrusion from the anus during the opening of the anus. But the protrusion returns inwards on its own.
  • Third-grade piles: This is similar to second-grade piles, only the protrusion needs to be pushed back manually.
  • Fourth-grade piles – In this the protrusion hangs outside the anal canal.


  • Chronic constipation: When a person is constipated, they have to exert a lot of pressure to evacuate the bowels. That is the time; the pressure affects the veins in and around the anus, leading to piles.
  • Bleeding: Fresh blood from the anus is one of the earliest symptoms. Bleeding can happen during, before or after passing stools. People, who have piles, often feel that they have not been able to evacuate their bowels completely – this happens because of the protrusion.

Causes: Bad lifestyle habits and bad diet are the most common causes of piles.

  • Diet: According to health experts, junk food, sodas, aerated beverages and an unhealthy diet, sans all the nutrients can cause constipation, and then, lead to piles. People who eat very less of fruits and vegetables, and drink too much of tea and coffee, can suffer from piles.
  • Lack of exercise: Sedentary jobs and lack of physical activity and exercise can cause irregular bowel movement.
  • Stress: Stress can affect the bowel movement and cause constipation.
  • Wrong bowel habits: Some people strain too hard while passing stools. Others have no time to evacuate their bowels completely, or some even postpone the bowel movement as they are in a rush to get to work. This can lead to constipation.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth: These can cause piles too.


  • It is important to inculcate good bowel habits since childhood.
  • Try to evacuate your bowels as regularly as possible.
  • Make sure that you eat a fiber-rich diet. The diet should also be rich in all kinds of nutrients.
  • Make time for exercise and physical activity.
  • Drink plenty of water and natural juices.
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