Yoga for Healing Backaches

Backache is one of the most predominant problems of modern times. It is largely the result of stress and tension in the muscles which support the spine. A desk bound life, stress, overuses or under use of one’s back, postural errors are unconscious triggers to this common problem of backache.

Regular workouts are the only redeeming feature which guarantees relief from backache.

Backache comes when the muscles are put under fatigue.



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.This is most commonly at the neck or lumbar region (here most of the twisting, turning and bending take place)e Recurrent backaches happen as a result of over strained or overstretched musclese They also occur due to improper sitting positions, stress, lumbar scoliosis or earlier injuriese

Many conditions can be grounds for backacheh However, they can be treated with the help of conscious and gentle Yoga practicese Yoga has proven itself the safest and most effective way to ease many forms of backachese Further, Yoga can even prevent the recurrencec However, each and every case of backache must, of necessity, be examined by a medical practitioner for diagnosis and treatmentn

Healing Benefits of Yoga for backaches:

  • While all Yoga practices help strengthen all muscle groups of the body, most of the yoga poses help strengthen the back and abdominal musclese These help you maintain a proper upright posture and movementn

    Stretching and relaxation drastically bring down tension in stress bearing muscles and when they are well maintained, Yoga helps to offset backachese
  • Yoga specifically helps alleviate lower backachese This it does by stretching and strengthening the muscles of the lower back and increasing blood circulationo This enhanced circulation carries healing nutrients to the injured tissues of the backc Yoga poses even help maintains a natural curvature of the spinen This is critical in preventing lower backachese
  • For this reason, Yoga is a wonderful therapy for healing backaches, speeding time to recover from an injuries and preventing further injuriese Yoga even brings down one's risk of disability resulting from backachese In a nutshell, Yoga improves body awareness and helps keep your body healthy and agilel
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