Causes and Remedies for Cold and Cough with Fever

By Patricia | October 13, 2009

Symptoms And Causes

A cough is simply the body's natural response to either an inflammation or some kind of irritation in the throat, larynx or lungs. A cough could be caused due various factors such as a cold, bronchial infections, smoking, sinus congestion or flu. A fever on the other hand is a higher than normal temperature of the body and can be caused due to a large number of illnesses. It mainly occurs on account of an infection or inflammation within the body. However there could be other causes for a fever as well such as, abnormalities or injuries to the brain, heat exposure and the use of various drugs.

Cough And Nasty Cold Remedies

A few remedies to treat a nasty cold are as follows: Mix half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water and gargle your throat with it. Once done you can swallow the mixture. This serves as a decongestant and will fight infection by drawing blood to your throat. Mix together one tablespoon of aloe vera juice and one tablespoon of honey. This can be had several times a day and is known to be quite effective. Mince one clove of garlic in a bowl; add 2-3 tablespoons of honey and let the mixture stay overnight. Have one tablespoonful in the morning and one before bed at night. Add half a teaspoon of powdered licorice root and 1 teaspoon of honey, to a cup of water. Have this 2-3 times a day. The licorice has anti-inflammatory qualities and is also useful as an expectorant. However, if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure problems, then this remedy is not recommended.


Alternatively a fever can be treated by mixing 1 ½ teaspoon of tartar cream, a cup of water and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink this once or twice in a day. You could also prepare a cup of tea by adding ½ a teaspoon of saffron. Keep having 1-2 teaspoons every hour to bring your temperature down. Tea that is prepared from fenugreek seeds is also equally effective. Grapefruit juice works well for a fever too and can be had twice a day. Half a glass of grapefruit juice mixed with half a glass of water will get rid of the burning sensation that is caused by a fever. Please bear in mind that a persistent cough, accompanied by a fever usually indicates a serious respiratory disorder such as bronchitis, pneumonia or several other lung abnormalities. It would be advisable to consult a physician to avoid further complications.

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