Yoga To Balance & Maintain Mental Equilibrium

By Patricia | December 23, 2008
Mental Equilibrium With Yoga

What Exactly Yoga Does For The Body

Yoga purifies body and mind, makes body light and fat free, corrects metabolism, respiration, circulation, digestion and revitalizes the endocrine glands.  Yoga is a unique rejuvenating and energizing method which has no substitute.

Regular practice of yoga keeps your body in proper shape and balance and also maintains mental equilibrium.  Yoga promotes harmony and balance in all the functions of the body.  It tones up the nervous, lymphatic and muscular systems.  The respiratory muscles become strong and cleared of all impurities.  It improves blood circulation.  The endocrine glands get revitalized and abdominal organs and reproductive system function better. The spinal column becomes more flexible.

With yoga all parts of the body get exercised without causing strain or fatigue.  It develops the body and its limbs to their normal proportion and promotes functional balance between the various organs resulting to a better health.  It strengthens the weak parts of the body.  Stiff muscles regain elasticity and get toned up.  The mobility of the joints also improves and is maintained till old age too. It improves cardio-vascular fitness.  The body posture improves.  It rectifies sagging abdomen, stooping back, flabby hips and thighs, drooping shoulders.  The spine becomes supple and flexible. By regular practice of yoga, minor structural or functional defects also get corrected.

Yoga is also excellent for proper functioning of the brain and cranial nerves.  The memory and power of concentration improves.  With abundant flow of blood reaching more tissues, blood pressure becomes normal.

Yoga also regulates weight. It helps to cure obesity.  It removes extra fat and redistributes it over the body in correct proportion.  It not only helps in losing extra weight, if you are underweight, you gain weight too.

The accumulated toxins get eliminated with yoga.  Bowel movements become regular.  Yoga also improves your looks.  It revitalizes your skin and hair.  It gives a glow to your countenance and you look youthful.

Degenerative symptoms of old age like wrinkled skin, grey hair, poor vision, stiffness of joints, thinning muscles, bent back, reduced mobility get arrested and to some extent, improved, as the ageing process slows down.

Regular practice of yoga helps in recovering faster from prolonged illness as it generates and conserve energy and enhances vitality.

Yoga helps in developing physical endurance and resistance to illness as all the organs get massaged and stimulated and function properly.

Yoga teaches us to relax. All tensions and fatigue get removed.  It brings hope and self-confidence.  With the physiological harmony of the body, mental perfection is also achieved.

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