Causes of Wheezing Sound

By Patricia | November 12, 2009

Causes: Asthma Wheezing

Wheezing is a coarse whistling sound that is continuously caused while breathing and is typically produced in the respiratory tract. Wheezing occurs when a part of your bronchial tree is obstructed or narrowed and the airflow in the respiratory tract causes the auditory effect of wheezing. If you are suffering from a lung infection or disease, such as asthma, you might be prone to wheezing. The causes of wheezing could be many and the same is determined by examining the characteristics of the wheeze. Though conditions such as asthma cannot be completely cured, its symptoms can be controlled to quite an extent. To do this, you will need to track the occurrence of symptoms and avoid the stimulants that trigger it.

Wheezing Treatment: Bronchitis Home Remedy

To eliminate infection as a possible cause of wheezing, increase your consumption of garlic to one whole bulb everyday for a week along with some ginger and feverfew added to tea leaves.

Perform a steam inhalation as well with tea tree oil to dislodge accumulated sputum and disinfect the lungs. All lung infections need medical attention as they lead to pneumonia, which can lead to death. The causes for asthma lie in autoimmune disorders and a hypersensitive immune system that identifies pollutants like pollen as a foreign organism. There are various triggers to asthma such as pollen, mold, and dust mites. In some cases, the menstrual cycle can also cause asthma to arise along with other reasons like stress and emotional strain. The medications that are used to tame asthma include antihistamines that clear the lungs and bronchi of mucus and corticosteroids to suppress the immune system. You should avoid the intake of fried food, pickles and caffeinated drinks as well as tea. Include food that contains antioxidants, such as carrots, green leafy vegetable, and papaya in your diet. Try a steam inhalation at least twice a day and ensure to add menthol or tea tree oil to the inhalation fluid. If your asthma is in its initial stages, try taking fresh ginger juice with honey. Another good home remedy is to take a spoon of honey with cinnamon powder every morning.

Ideally, the best way to prevent an asthma attack is to avoid the potential allergens like pollen and dust. Some forms of asthma are so deeply connected with allergies that an allergic reaction in one part of the body will cause an asthma attack. Therefore, you need to understand your asthma triggers and avoid them.

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