Yoga Poses For Weak Pelvic Floor Muscle

By Patricia | May 18, 2009
Pelvic Floor Muscle Pain

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction can be described as a health problem that occurs when the muscles in your pelvic region don’t function the way they are supposed to. These muscles are mainly responsible for supporting the various organs in your pelvis, such as your bladder, rectum, prostate and, in case of women, reproductive organs. The same muscles also play some role in the working of the anal and urinary sphincters. Therefore, any disorders in the pelvic floor muscles can cause you to suffer from urinary and bowel problems.

There is a wide range of health problems that can be regarded as a part of pelvic floor dysfunction and some of them include –

  • Impairment in the coccyx, sacroiliac joint, low back or hip joint
  • Increased or decreased sensitivity in the pelvic muscles, resulting in pain & irritation
  • Prolapsed bladder (cystocele), small intestines (enterocele) or rectum (rectocele)
  • Urinary or bowel incontinence
  • Weakened or excessively tight muscles

While both, men and women can suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction, it is a bit more common in women. This affliction occurs when the muscles and nerves of your pelvic region get injured due to various factors, which may include –

  • Deficiency of estrogen in the body
  • Excessive straining because of constipation
  • Impact trauma or muscular trauma
  • Infections that have not been diagnosed and treated
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy and vaginal birth
  • Surgery

Very often, the exact causes of pelvic floor dysfunction are not identified.

Weak pelvic floor symptoms

In the initial stages, women who are suffering from pelvic floor problems usually feel some kind of abnormality in the area. Some of the other signs and symptoms that you may experience include –

  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Chronic pain in the pelvic region, which cannot be related to any cause
  • Constipation and excessive straining during a bowel movement
  • Discomfort in the groin or the lower back, which worsens while straining
  • Difficulty in inserting a tampon, which may just fall out
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Need to urinate more frequently
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Presence of a tissue bulge at the opening of the vagina
  • Pressure or a pulling sensation in the pelvis
  • Sensation of incomplete emptying of the rectum during a bowel movement
  • Stress incontinence or passing urine involuntarily while coughing or sneezing

It is important that you visit your obstetric/ gynecologist as soon as you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above. For an accurate diagnosis of the problem, your doctor may conduct a detailed physical exam, before asking you to undergo a few tests, such as –

  • A defecating proctogram
  • A uroflow test
  • An ultrasound

The treatment plan adopted for treating the problem may be based on the severity of the symptoms as well as the outcome of these tests.

Yoga for pelvic floor muscles

After being identified, mild pelvic floor muscle problems can be treated with the help of exercises, medication, perineal massage and physical therapy. Some of the exercises that can increase the functioning of the pelvic floor muscles include -

  • Kegels
  • Pilates
  • Squats
  • Pelvic tilts

Relaxation techniques like yoga may also be quite effective in soothing the pelvic muscles. Given below are a few yoga poses that are recommended for strengthening and relaxing pelvic floor muscles –

It is absolutely essential to check with a doctor before practicing any of the exercises mentioned above. Moreover, these exercises should be practiced with the right technique and preferably in the presence of a fitness expert.

The more severe instances of pelvic floor dysfunction may require bio-feedback or surgery.

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