Running For Boxing And Kickboxing

By Patricia | August 15, 2010
Running For Boxing

It can be said that the ideal way to prepare for a round of boxing in a ring is to do some roadwork prior to that. Bag work and running do not prepare one for the rigors that are associated with a fight in the ring, but running helps one in enhancing the ability to withstand a really grueling fight. When getting ready for a boxing match it is advisable to spend some time prior to it in warming up, running and practicing some moves. Boxing can be termed as an anaerobic, fast paced event. One can win a good boxing fight by being extremely light on their fight, throwing good punches and being able to spar effectively. Aerobic workouts happen in the boxing ring when one gets a chance to take a quick breath in between punches. Boxing is actually considered to be a very complex and complicated sport. Boxers tend to use the same regime to train on a continuous basis. Normally a boxing round will last for around 2 minutes. It will allow for around a minute of rest in between too. One can train by doing about 10 press ups, 10 pull ups, 10 squat thrusts and repeat this for about 2 minutes. It makes sense to change the routine every 2 or 3 weeks. Some practical advice includes running before breakfast as the best time of day to be working out in. The average time most recommend for running is about 35 to 45 minutes in a day to help in training for boxing. When running one should tray and vary the pace at which they run by going slow and fast the way one would do in a training ring. Along with running and training one should remember to drink plenty of water and keep well hydrated always.

Besides, getting into shape one also needs to have the right mental fortitude for this kind of a strenuous routine. One should avoid running and jogging one after the other. Instead one activity should be done in the morning and the next in the afternoon. This allows the body time to replenish its glycogen levels. It also gives the person adequate time to renew their energy levels. Shadow boxing is also a good way to get into shape. Sparring with someone who has the same amount of experience and weighs around the same could also help. To finish off one could try jumping some rope to help in cooling down the body.

Before discussing the specifics, let's first clarify one important point. The best way to prepare for this sport is to step inside the ring and box. No matter what you do for conditioning,

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