Treatment For Fractured or Broken Ribs

By Patricia | February 3, 2010

Broken or fractured ribs occur when a bone within the rib cage is injured, and either cracks or breaks. This usually takes place when there is some kind of trauma to the chest. Vehicle accidents, falls or impact during sports activities can all contribute to a broken rib. In some cases, continuous and intense coughing may also result in rib injuries. Many a time, the rib bone only suffers a crack. This is not so severe an injury, although it can result in a great deal of pain. Bones that break in one or more places can pose a serious concern. In such cases, fragments of jagged bone could puncture and cause damage to the blood vessels and organs within the area.

Broken Ribs Treatment

Most instances of broken ribs take about a couple of months to heal on their own. During this time, the individual may undergo a great deal of pain. Therefore pain relieving is necessary so that breathing can take place normally and lung problems like pneumonia may be avoided. Broken ribs may cause plenty of pain and discomfort when taking deep breaths. The pain may also get aggravated when the affected area is touched or pressed. Movements that cause the body to twist or bend may also trigger additional pain. When rib cage injuries occur, it is important to immediately consult a doctor if there are tender areas within the rib area. If there is discomfort during normal breathing or when taking deep breaths, it is possible that one of the ribs may have suffered cracks or fracture, and as such early medical attention is required. In some cases, symptoms such as persistent pressure or tightness in the chest area, pain that spreads from the chest to the arms and shoulders and chest pain that keeps increasing could be indicative of a heart attack and would warrant immediate medical attention.

Ice compresses help greatly in alleviating pain arising from a broken rib. Getting adequate rest is essential to allow proper healing to take place. There are also many over the counter pain relievers that are easily available. These will help to ease the discomfort and pain, and allow for easy breathing. Taking deep breaths or coughing at one hour intervals is necessary to prevent lung complications from occurring such as pneumonia. Placing warm heating pads on the injured area also helps to reduce pain. You may also make use of warm, damp towels for this purpose.

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