Health Advice On Abdominal Pulsation

By Patricia | May 19, 2009

Abdominal Pulsation Health Advice: I have started to feel some pulsations around my left upper abdomen about two inches away from the apical impulse area. What could be the problem?

The pulsations you have described sound like they could be something serious. Without any further delay, you should consult your regular family physician about the problem. This is particularly important because just in case you are actually faced with some kind of serious problem, it is always better to be aware of it earlier rather than later. This way, at least you can take proper medicinal measures to do something. It would be unwise and unsafe to make any kind of diagnosis on this platform. If you are not diagnosed with any pressing or urgent problem, you should start treating yourself as though you are suffering from acute gas. This is a common enough symptom of gas bubbles that could be bothering you. You should start your treatment by chewing on mint leaves. This will be helpful in providing relief from the discomfort. You should also fill up a glass with ice cubes and then add about 50 to 100 milliliters of milk to this. This can be sipped throughout the day for relief from indigestion, acidity as well as gas. These are the simplest methods that you can try on a daily basis for relief. In case you want to cure yourself on a permanent basis, you can start adopting some long term methods. These would involve including a certain amount of changes in your diet and lifestyle.

To start with, you should stop eating food that has been fried, or is excessively salty or spicy. All of this can lead to indigestion problems. You should also make it a rule to drink large quantities of water every day. At least about four to seven liters of water should be consumed on a daily basis. This will help to dilute any excessive acids in your digestive tract. It would be beneficial if you could add an hour of exercise to your daily routine. This will also help largely by improving your health and also will enforce a certain amount and timing for your meals. You cannot exercise randomly, since it is necessary to remain hungry for about three hours before you exercise. You also need to increase your intake of green leafy vegetables and fruits. This will also prevent gas, as most of it will be unprocessed food. Generally a healthy lifestyle will prevent you from suffering such symptoms and will also help with recovering from them if you are currently experiencing them.

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