Yoga Postures & Exercises For PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

By Patricia | December 17, 2008
Yoga For Premenstrual Syndrome

What Exercise In Yoga Will Help With PMS

Yoga is supposed to be very good for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) as it is believed that the body needs more stretching and breathing to get relief from the symptoms.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): PMS begin a week or two before the onset of periods. This is believed to be caused by the estrogen levels as well as a combination of nutritional, psychological and behavioral factors. Depression, anger, anxiety and forgetfulness are some of the psychological manifestations of PMS. Nausea, migraines, pain in the breasts, low energy levels, bloating and light sleep are some of the physical manifestations.

Yoga For PMS: Yoga is supposed to be good for those suffering from PMS or are undergoing menstruation. The postures and breathing exercises help to calm the mind, relax the body, stretch the cramped muscles, and boost the mood. If you combine it with a healthy diet, then the body gets the energy required to cope with the symptoms of PMS and periods. However, take care to go easy on the yoga exercise. Do fluid movements and leave the intense postures for other days. Inversions and twists should be avoided as these obstruct with the flow of the blood. Also avoid asanas that squeeze the abdomen.

Yoga Postures For PMS And Periods:

Kapalabhati: This is a cleansing breath technique and will clean the mucus passages and the chest. It also relieves tension.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose): This meditative posture, done after the Shavasana, straightens the spine, calms the mind, and slows down the metabolism of the body.

Bidalasana (Cat Pose): An important yoga pose, the Cat posture helps you to initiate the movement from the center and also teaches you to synchronize your movements with your breathing.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose): A posture that bends the body like an archer’s bow, this posture strengthens the back muscles, cures digestive and gastric problems and strengthens the muscles of the back.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Good for improving the flexibility of the spine, this posture also strengthens the muscles of the arms and the back. This posture relieves menstrual discomfort and is effective for curing constipation.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose): A good pose for relieving pain in the shoulder and neck muscles. This also makes the spine more supple.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose): This is a great pose for the digestive system. It cures you of excessive flatulence problems.

Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing): While doing this, you have to inhale air from one nostril and exhale it from another. This is a good calming breathing technique.

The Shavasana or the Corpse Pose should be done at the end to relax the body.

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