Yoga Poses For Women With Fibroids & Cysts

By Patricia | November 18, 2008
Yoga For Fibroids & Cysts In Women

Fibroids happen to be among the commonest type of benign tumors that occur in a woman’s reproductive tract. They could range from the size of a mustard seed or be big enough to occupy her whole abdominal cavity. Fibroids seldom show up before the age of 30. They normally result in dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation, heavy bleeding and, sometimes, abnormal discharge of mucous. If the tumors press down on her bladder it would cause the woman to urinate often. While the condition can often be overcome and women can live with it, in many cases it is a cause of great discomfort and needs treatment. A lot of these women opt for surgery.

While all Yoga postures help in reducing the size of fibroids, you should learn to use the Yogasanas (poses) in a way that will, ultimately, help you. Since fibroids are known to grow fast, yoga programs must necessarily center on opening up and softening your abdominal area.

At the same time, don’t let your belly hang out by tilting your pelvis forward or by letting your abdomen become flabby and weak. Lay more emphasis on twists like:

These have proven to be extremely beneficial, as they help open up the area around the abdomen. You should keep altering your Yoga practice as the size of your fibroids grows or diminishes. Those having heavy, large fibroids must do Yoga practices as would pregnant women.

Supported Asanas (Poses)For Women

  • Salamba Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge Pose)
  • Supta Virasana (Supine Hero Pose)
  • Supta Baddha Konasana (Supine Bound Angle Pose)

These are known to help enormously in cases of fibroids. Do all your Yoga practices under the guidance of a trained Yoga teacher who is able to guide you correctly as the Yoga exercises done incorrectly, can prove harmful instead of beneficial. We also suggest that you avoid difficult poses or intense practices like Bikram Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga. Rather practice the milder version of Yoga that places modest effort on the body. Never attempt the Bow or Wheel poses. It is also important that women with heavy bleeding during menses must avoid inverted poses. Instead focus more on prolonged, gentle forward bends.

Certain Necessary Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)To Be Done

  • Gentle Kapalabhatti (Skull Cleansing)
  • Ujjayi (Ocean Breath)
  • Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

It would also help, greatly if you switched to a Yoga diet. This is essentially Sattvic (pure and light) mainly vegetarian, low on spices and rich in fiber, salads and fresh fruits.

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