Tips To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor

By Patricia | October 30, 2009

Vaginal sweating and odor would indicate that there is an excessive heat buildup in the area. Odor from the vagina is itself not a very good sign and could indicate that you might have some kind of infection there, but since you didn’t mention any kind of colored discharge or a fishy smell, you might not be experiencing an infection deep in the vagina. You most probably just have a bacterial overgrowth in the pubic region, which is a much milder problem to deal with. There are some major changes that you might have to make to your wardrobe, cleaning regimen, and to the way you look down there to rid yourself of this problem.

The pubic regions of the body are endowed with two types of sweat gland approcrine and eccrine. While the function of both of these is to regulate temperature by exuding sweat, there is one additional function carried out by the approcrine sweat glands. These glands secrete a milky kind of sweat that is odorless in itself but once bacteria react on it, body odor is the end result. This is the problem that occurs in the underarms as well as in the groin. This is also the reason why deodorants focus solely on destroying bacteria as the approcrine secretions themselves don’t provide too much of an odor. Antiperspirants on the other hand have a dual action of inhibiting sweat production as well as killing surface bacteria. Odor from the pubic area is believed to be of some evolutionary requirement. The studies that have been conducted on body odor have come to some kind of conclusion that human pheromones exist in the odor molecules, though pheromones are odorless. The purpose of these is to attract the opposite sex; however, it is unlikely that in the modern world this is ever going to make it to the top of the aphrodisiac charts.

Getting rid of odor first requires you to completely get rid of your public hair. Do this in stages with a razor. The less hair, the less heat and sweat are trapped for bacteria to grow in. Next, rub some tea tree oil over the pubic region or just use a deodorant with Triclosan. Finally, wear clothing that allows you to breath. Do not wear clothing that is too tight; wear more skirts or loose cotton trousers if you can. Cotton underwear is the best; also make sure that you change your undergarment twice everyday.

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