How To Reduce Facial Swelling At Home?

By Patricia | September 26, 2009

Facial swelling is swelling on the face and the areas close to the face such as the neck and upper arms. While a swollen face looks bad, it is generally not life threatening, especially if the swelling is mild. There are a number of causes for developing a puffy face including infections such as conjunctivitis. While the symptoms of swollen face can be quite evident, treatment for the same is equally easy to find.


Facial swelling could result of a wide variety of problems, something as simple as an infection like the common cold to an allergic reaction to foods or other substances. Listed below are some of the common causes of a puffy face.

Allergies: Allergies can cause hives, with swelling in the mouth as well as on the face. Being allergic to certain foods can cause an allergic reaction such as swollen face and lips. If the allergic reaction is severe, one must contact a doctor immediately. Severe instances are when the swelling on the face seems to get worse and it occurs quickly. If there is difficulty in breathing, it is best to get the person to medical help as soon as possible.

Reactions: Side effects to certain drugs, medications, and toxic substances can result in a swollen face. Certain antibiotics and steroidal medications can also result in facial swelling. In this case, discontinuing the medication and checking with your doctor before continuing the use of these drugs is advised.

Surgery: Any kind of surgery to the head, face, or jaw can result in swelling. Even plastic surgery can result in a swollen face. In this case, you will be given anti-inflammatory drugs to keep the swelling in check.

Infections: Infections such as conjunctivitis, salivary gland infections, a bad tooth, a sty, cellulitis, as well as sinusitis can cause an inflammation of the face. Treatment for these conditions normally depends on the root cause of the infection.

Injury: Any sort of injury to the face can also result in a swollen face. Trauma to the head, face and neck can cause different areas of the face to swell up.

Malnutrition: Severe cases of malnutrition result in the swelling of the face, resulting in a head that seems much larger in proportion to the rest of the body. This condition is mostly seen in children in third world countries, where food intake is extremely low.


Symptoms of facial swelling vary based on what causes the swelling. For instance, if the swelling is because of a bad tooth, one side of the cheek will be swollen; on the other hand, if the swelling is because of an allergic reaction, the entire face or the areas surrounding the mouth will become swollen. Other symptoms may include breathing difficulties, fever and redness. Also, if the swelling is severe and long lasting and the pain becomes too intense, it is better to undergo a medical examination.

Treatment and Home Remedies

Treating a swollen face depends on what causes the swollen face in the first place.

  • Ice compresses are actually one of the best remedies for easing swellings. It also helps to numb the nerve endings, thereby reducing the sensation of pain and tenderness. You may also wash your face with chilled water if you do not want to use an ice compress.
  • If the swollen face is a result of an allergic reaction to a certain kind of food, a diet that does not include those foods needs to be followed to prevent the swelling. To treat the swelling, antihistamines and other anti-allergic medication are usually necessary.
  • If the swollen face is a result on the infection, treating the infection is the right step. Depending on the nature of the infection, antiviral medication or antibiotics need to be administered.
  • Inhaling steam 2 to 4 times a day, will bring the swelling down as it helps the body release the accumulated fluid. A warm compress also helps reduce swelling in case of sinusitis. Using a neti pot also works well to clear out the sinusitis as well as the swelling caused by it.
  • In case of a bee sting, placing ice over the swelling for about 10 minutes will do the trick. However, if the swelling does not go down or worsens or is accompanied by other problems such as redness, discharge of any kind, or difficulty in breathing, it is best to get help from a health care practitioner as soon as you possibly can.
  • Other than this, you can also place soaked tea bags over the swollen areas. The tannin that is present in tea helps to ease the puffiness. Herbal teas such as chamomile are better for this method.
  • Applying egg white to your face also aids in getting rid of swelling.
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