How To Treat Skin Folliculitis Using Oral Antibiotics?

By Patricia | September 26, 2009

Skin folliculitis refers to abscesses that develop in the hair follicles. It appears as small whitish pimples located at the area where the hairs disappear into the skin. The infection could be in only one follicle or it could spread to other follicles as well. These infected follicles could cause pain and discomfort. Folliculitis usually develops due to exposure to a hot tub or whirlpool in which there are improper levels of chlorine. This type of skin condition is caused by the bacteria known as pseudomonas aeruginosa. The infection generally appears anywhere between six hours to five days after the exposure. Those areas that are covered by a swimsuit are more likely to become infected. Another type of folliculitis develops due to ingrown hair. This can take place in the beard area, where, after shaving some hair may curl inwards and penetrate the skin again. This condition may not be characterized by infection, but there could be mild to intense irritation. Folliculitis of this kind is known as pseudofolliculitis barbae.

Skin folliculitis is usually treated with the help of oral antibiotics and antibacterial cleansing products. If the folliculitis is wide-spread, it could require internal intake of antibiotics. The folliculitis that is contracted through hot tubs will disappear in about a week’s time without treatment. In order to prevent recurring attacks of the condition, it is necessary to ensure proper chlorination of the water. In some cases of ingrown hairs, a sample of the pus may be taken and examined. This is done in order to determine the course of antibiotic treatment.

If the skin has been affected by folliculitis, it is essential to allow the skin to breathe by wearing loose fitted clothes. Also ensure that there is no friction occurring between the skin and the clothes, as this will only aggravate the condition. Warm compresses also bring relief when placed on the affected areas. Avoid using cosmetics on the affected skin, especially those that are oily. It has been recommended that garlic be included in the diet, as it builds up the body’s immune system and helps it to combat skin infections. Proper hygiene is a must in order to keep the skin free from infections. The skin must be cleansed regularly using a mild face wash. Scrub very gently while drying, and do not use rough towels. Turmeric powder is very effective in treating inflammation and greatly aids the healing process. Juice extracted from onion and garlic can also be applied to the inflamed skin pores. It will help to speed up the ripening of the tiny boils, allowing the pus to be discharged.

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