Remedies for Catarrh In Throat

By Patricia | April 13, 2010

Catarrh is nothing but inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the nasal and throat passages, including other cavities such as the ear and chest, resulting in the secretion of excess mucus. This is a defense mechanism of the body in response to an infection. Catarrh comes from the Greek word, ‘katarrhein’, which in itself is a combination of the Greek words, ‘kata’, which means ‘down’ and ‘rhein’, which means ‘to flow’.

Often catarrh is not a disease on its own, it is usually an underlying symptom of some other problem like a common cold or an allergic reaction. In this article, we will discuss in brief the causes, symptoms and treatment options for catarrh in throat.


Catarrh in the throat could be caused by a number or reasons. Listed below are some of the common reasons for catarrh in the throat.

  • Common cold
  • Flu
  • Allergic reaction to pollen or dust
  • Allergic reaction to certain food
  • Reaction to perfume or paint
  • Reaction to alcohol
  • Reaction to stress
  • Reaction to spicy food
  • Hay fever
  • Nasal polyps
  • Cold weather or sudden change in temperature or weather

Most of the time catarrh is not a serious problem. It goes away with the infection or allergy, and usually, no treatment is needed nor is recommended to cure catarrh that goes away within a week. However, in some cases, catarrh is chronic, lasting more than a week or so. In such situations have it checked with a health care provider as it could be an indication of some other more chronic illness.


Listed below are some of the symptoms of catarrh in the throat.

  • Mucus running on the back of the throat. A feeling of phlegm trickling down the throat.
  • A sore throat accompanied by persistent cough brought on by the tickling sensation of the mucus present at the back of the throat.
  • Headache and pain or discomfort in face and back of the throat as the nasal cavity and the airways are clogged with mucus.
  • Feeling completely drained out and tired.
  • A temporary inability to smell and taste.
  • Catarrhal deafness, which is a temporary loss of hearing due to a blocked ear cavity. This is sometimes observed along with a crackling sensation in the middle ear.
  • Pain or discomfort in the ear when using elevators, when flying, or even when using swimming pools. This is due to a difference in pressure experienced in these situations, commonly referred to as barotrauma.

How to get rid of catarrh?

Getting rid of catarrh often just involves giving the body sufficient rest to heal itself. However, there are several home remedies and diets that have been used to treat or soothe this problem.

Home Remedies:

  • Gargling with warm water, at least three times a day, for about four or five days continuously. This not only brings about instant relief from the annoying symptoms, but also controls the problem of excess mucus production.
  • Turmeric powder is also an excellent home remedy as it has antiseptic properties and it also acts as an anti bacterial agent. For best results, you need to drink one cup of warm milk, to which some turmeric powder has been added, just before you go to bed. Adding a pinch of turmeric powder to your gargle water can also be another effective remedy.
  • Black seed oil is regarded as an antihistamine, which provides instant relief from catarrh caused by allergic reactions.
  • Steam inhalation is one of the most useful techniques that can be used for catarrh. This is one of the most commonly recommended options on how to get rid of catarrh after a cold.Boil around 6 cups of water in a large pot and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it, once the water comes to a boil. Place the boiling pot on a flat surface, wait for around 5 to 10 minutes, before bending your head directly over the water. Cover your head as well as the pot with a large towel, so that you trap all the steam within. Take in deep breaths and inhale the steam vapors for as long as you can. Take a break for a few seconds, so that the steam does not cause too much discomfort to your skin.

Tips to prevent throat catarrh

Certain food stuff increase mucus production in the throat. Listed below are some of the foods that cause catarrh in the throat.

  • Avoid milk and milk-based products as they tend to increase mucus in the throat. This is because milk contains a substance called casein that stimulates excess mucus production.
  • Black tea and caffeine increase the mucus secretion in the throat.
  • Salt and sugar also tend to increase throat mucus.
  • Soy also increases mucus build up in the throat.

Foods to include

Certain foods help limit or reduce catarrh in the throat. Some of these foods are listed below.

  • Honey
  • Ginger
  • Chili peppers and cayenne peppers
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Foods containing vitamins A and E
  • Foods that are rich in zinc

Symptom-coping strategies are the best treatment for catarrh in throat. However, if symptoms persist, it is best to get it checked with a doctor.

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