Home Remedies To Reduce Phlegm

By Patricia | January 13, 2010

In most cases phlegm gets accumulated in the chest when the patient is suffering from bronchitis where the mucous membranes that line the bronchial tubes in the lungs get inflamed. This inflammation of the bronchi causes a large quantity of mucous to be secreted which is then expelled from the body as phlegm.

Home Remedies

First and foremost, the patient must avoid smoking and keep away from smokers as well. Even passive smoking can irritate the bronchial tubes, lowering their resistance to disease and allowing harmful bacteria from the atmosphere to attack the body. A change in weather conditions can also lead to this condition. Other causes include the use of drugs for other medical conditions, work in a stuffy atmosphere and occasionally hereditary factors. To get rid of phlegm in the chest, you can consume half a teaspoon of turmeric powder dissolved in warm milk and had on an empty stomach. This process can be repeated twice or thrice a day for best results. The expectorant properties of onions make them an excellent remedy for this condition as they have the ability to liquefy phlegm and prevent it from reforming. The best way to consume onions would be to crush them and extract the juice which can then be had on an empty stomach every morning. A teaspoon every day should be sufficient. Powder a little ginger, pepper and cloves and add a little honey to the mixture and use once or twice every day. Crush a little ginger and take one teaspoon of the juice extracted. Mix it with a pinch of pepper and consume thrice a day. Make sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly spinach as the latter works as an expectorant. Avoid yoghurt and other sour food products and venturing out in the rain and cold. Inhaling steam once a day will also relieve the nasal cavity and help clear up the phlegm. Avoid tea, coffee, all caffeinated drinks and alcohol as these may cause the phlegm to dry up making it difficult for you to get it out. Try an application of moist heat on the chest for some relief from the phlegm. Drink lots of fluids in the form of water and fruit juices and place a humidifier in your room so that the surrounding atmosphere has more moisture and will help draw the phlegm from your body. Consult your medical practitioner if the phlegm is brown, green or bloody as this may necessitate a course of prescription medicine.

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