Best Yoga Poses For Varicose Veins

By Patricia | January 5, 2009
Varicose Veins Relief With Yoga

Varicose veins are knotted and dilated veins at the back of the legs. Common in elderly and middle-aged people, varicose veins happen due to damage to the valves. Because of the damage, vascular flow is obstructed. Valves get damaged when there is a problem in blood circulation and the return of the blood is not happening properly because of weak valves in the legs. Since the blood does not get circulated properly, it falls on the vein walls, causing distention.

Varicose veins cause discomfort and fatigue, localized pain and swelling in the ankles as well as itchiness of the skin. While varicose veins can be hereditary, it can also happen to people in sedentary jobs. People, who sit around the whole day and do not walk enough, can develop varicose veins.

Yoga Poses For Varicose Veins

There are quite a few yoga poses that can bring relief to those who have varicose veins. Viparita Karani is one such pose. The patient has to out up his legs against the wall to improve the blood circulation. Sarvangasana or the Shoulder Stand is also good for varicose veins.

Some of the other yoga poses include Sirshasana (Headstand), Tadasana (Mountain pose), Pavanamuktasana (Wind Releasing pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Supta Vajrasana (Pelvic posture), Surya-namaskar (Sun Salutation), Sasangasana (Hare Pose), Gomukhasana (Cow Pose), Shavasana (Corpse pose), Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose) and Janusirshana (Head to Knee Pose).

Other Health Tips

Stretching And Walking: Since standing for too long or sitting can aggravate varicose veins, you must take frequent breaks to walk around and stretch. So if you have a desk job, do get up often to take a walk around the office complex and do some simple stretching exercises to improve your metabolism and health.

Pedaling: Lie on the floor on you back with your hands beneath your buttocks, supporting your lower back. Lift your legs and pedal an imaginary cycle. This exercise will work your abdominal muscles, leg muscles and improve your blood circulation.

Leg Lifts: There is a particular way that these leg lifts should be done to increase the blood circulation. For this, you have lie n your back on the floor with your hands beneath your buttocks. With your lower back pressed against the floor, you have to lift each leg, one at a time and hold it perpendicular to the floor. This pose will send the blood coursing through your legs, calves and thighs. Keep alternating your legs.

Knee Bends And Ankle Flexing: For this you have lie on the floor on your back and then pull one knee to the chest, while holding onto the leg. Then point and flex your foot a few times. Repeat the same exercise with the other leg.

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