Colon Polyps

By Patricia | April 14, 2010

Symptoms And Causes

Polyps in the colon are certain kinds of growths in the colon (large intestine). These growths are not always cancerous, however, certain polyps could develop into colon cancer. Persons above the age of 50 are at a greater risk for developing polyps and it is therefore advisable to get a periodic screening to detect any growth at the earliest. The common symptoms for colon polyps are a change in bowel movements, indigestion, diarrhea and even constipation. Polyps may become painful and may even cause bleeding. If you experience rectal bleeding, then you must see your doctor immediately. Polyps may be genetically inherited though they are also caused by irritation to the gastro intestinal system and on account of inadequate fiber in one’s diet. The presence of Colon polyps is a serious condition that requires constant medical supervision and it is therefore essential to obtain medical help immediately. Polyps that turn into a cancer may require surgical intervention, as they are life threatening. As a result of its complicated nature, colon polyps cannot be cured entirely at home. In addition to medical help however, you can try a few dietary and lifestyle changes at home to help relieve the symptoms of colon polyps.

Diet And Treatment

Since polyps are caused by a decrease in the fiber content of the diet, it is advisable to supplement your meals with more fiber. Ensure that your diet is high in fiber but low in fat. You can either take regular fiber supplements or increase your intake of fiber rich foods everyday. Make sure to drink plenty of water to help keep your digestive system functioning smoothly. Avoid eating foods that are excessively oily and spicy as this may irritate the gastro intestinal system. Avoid foods that are processed and those foods and beverages that have a high caffeine content. Foods that are rich in vitamin A help protect the linings of membranes in the stomach. Vitamin C helps reduce the formation of polyps in the colon and vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant that will help flush out toxins from your body. Cinnamon is known for its excellent digestive properties. Increase your intake of cinnamon daily to help ease the digestion process. Ginger and Cayenne are also excellent aids for digestion. Calcium supplements may help to prevent polyps from recurring after a surgery. Regular exercise will help reduce the pain caused by polyps and will help you maintain an ideal body weight. It is important to maintain a healthy body weight in order to treat colon polyps.

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