Natural Facial Hair Removal For Women

By Patricia | September 17, 2009

Of the two different kinds of hair produced by the body, the shorter hair with the finer and softer texture is known as vellus. This form of hair is found on the face, back and chest of women and functions as a layer of insulation to regulate the temperature of the body. Quite often, stress, medical conditions and changes in the balance of hormones will cause an increase in the growth of hair. The excessive hair growth is call hirsutism and may be a hereditary trait, or could be brought on by the use of steroid creams, hormone tablets and contraceptive medication.

Shaving Is Big No No For Hair Removal

Facial hair can be removed by a number of methods that are easy to follow. A mixture of turmeric and milk applied to the face and scrubbed off with cold water after ten or fifteen minutes is effective in reducing unwanted facial hair. Another remedy for removing unwanted hair is applying a paste of turmeric powder and gram flour to the face. When completely dry, rub it off gently, making sure you do so in a direction that is opposite to the growth of the hair. A thick blend of sugar, egg and corn flour has also proved to be beneficial. Knead this mixture into a ball, dip it in olive oil and roll it over the area from where hair needs to be removed. The skin is softened by the oil and the dough plucks out the hair gently. Another common method of hair removal is by making a sugar wax. It is not only convenient, but also removes the dead cells from your skin, leaving it smooth and silky. You also need to remember that waxing can cause a certain amount of pain and inflammation. Another option is to pluck out each strand of hair with a pair of tweezers, which can be extremely painful and time taking. Plucking facial hair after a hot shower has proved useful because of the openness of the pores after a bath. Bleaching facial hair will lighten its color, making it almost invisible. Shaving facial hair should be avoided by women, as it tends to leave scars due to bruising. Besides, it does not remove the hair from the roots and soon, new hair will grow in its place. Hair removal creams may be a little too strong for facial skin and could cause you to break out into a rash, and it is recommended that you avoid using creams to remove facial hair.

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