Treating Foot Corns And Calluses With Salicylic Acid

By Patricia | September 3, 2009

Feet corns are the result of callus formations in the feet. This is actually the body’s defense system against continuous rubbing and frictional damage by the hardening of the skin on the feet. Treating this problem requires you to first identify and then eliminate the cause of the chaffing. There is also the ever-present danger of a fungal infection taking hold so you need to ensure that your foot is completely dry and that you let no moisture accumulate within your shoes.

Foot Corns and Calluses

Calluses and corns develop when there is a frictional force that is exerted on a part of the foot. This friction will sometimes cause the skin to blister, burst and sometimes form a callus. This progression can occur sometimes without the intermediate step even and the callus skin will then grow into a corn.

Once the friction that causes the development of the corn is stopped, most corns will return to a normal skin texture. However, a bit of skin removal is required to avoid fungal infections. In extreme cases, surgically removing a corn might be warranted. Fungal infections are the biggest worry of having corns.

This is because a corn is not a smooth callus but can sometimes resemble ridges and valleys in it. This makes it a perfect environment for bacteria and fungi to grow and thrive. Foot fungal infections are a cause of concern and corns increase the risk of infections. To prevent this being a possible concern never walk barefoot on any moist surfaces in public areas like swimming pools or showers.

Treatment With Salicylic Acid

Treating corns requires that you first get a new pair of shoes that are not as tight as the ones you are wearing. The general rule of thumb is that you should have the space to wiggle your toes inside your shoes. Next, is to wear thick socks that prevent direct contact with any rough surface in the shoes. To eliminate the corn itself, dip your foot in a solution of salicylic acid and then rub it with a pumice stone gently to remove a bit of the corn with each wash. The benefit of using salicylic acid is that it also serves as a mild antiseptic as well. To prevent any occurrence of fungus, apply tea tree oil to your entire foot at the start of the day so that fungal and bacterial infections are kept at bay. You can also soak your feet in a tub of warm water and scrub your feet lightly before you start this salicylic treatment to increase its effectiveness.

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