Natural Cure For Fluid In The Middle Ear

By Patricia | August 4, 2009

Ear infections are much more common than people think. In fact, it is estimated that 5 out of every 6 children below the age of 6 would have had at least one ear infection without themselves being aware of it. While ear infections are common and not a lot to worry about, medical attention is advised.

Ear infections can either be in the middle or outer ears (inner ear infections are rare), and middle ear infections are most common.


With ear infections being so common, the first thought that comes to mind is what the causes are. There are of course some external factors such as:

  • Swimming in impure water
  • Not wiping dry the outer ear after a bath
  • Excessive cleaning of the ear canal that can cause injury to its sensitive skin.
  • Trauma

Since the ear is open to the outside environment, it is full of pathogens. It is the job of the wax to provide a protective layer to the sensitive skin of the ear and prevent any pathogens from causing infection. However, simply because of the nature of the ear, small children are particularly susceptible to infections. Their immune system is still developing and they do not have the antibodies to fight against many of the common bacteria which are easily dealt with by an adult immune system.In very rare cases, ear infections can be a manifestation of a more serious problem, and need immediate medical intervention. This is generally when the infection proceeds beyond the middle ear and goes into the inner ear, allowing the infection to spread to other parts of the head.

Otitis media is the name of this condition in which the middle ear gets infected due to the water present in the outer ear. Usually, there is some pain associated with the condition.


The most common symptoms associated with ear infections are as follows:

  • Earache
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Deafness
  • Discharge from the ear

Most of these symptoms are caused by water in the inner ear, or to be more precise, fluid in the inner ear.. This fluid causes an obstruction to the passage of sound waves, which results in partial deafness. Sometimes, deafness can also be caused due to plugged ears where the wax impacts against the eardrum and obstructs the passage of sound waves, but this has nothing to do with an infection and can be removed easily by a doctor.

Dizziness is caused because the fluid interferes with the balance function of the inner ear, and the earache is due to the pressure exerted on the inside of the ear by the fluid trapped inside. In fact, the discharge is mostly the fluid escaping out after rupturing the eardrum. Even though this sounds like a serious problem, in most cases, it is not. By the time the fluid escapes out, the body is able to fight the infection. Once the pressure on the eardrum ceases, the tear repairs itself quickly and the infection is healed. In some cases, antibiotics may be needed to help fight the infection, although in most healthy people, this is not needed. Warm oil drops and garlic juice drops are some of the common home remedies.


There is no special treatment needed for water in the inner ear, and even home remedies are discouraged. Allowing the water to naturally flow out by tilting that side of your head where the plugged ear is located should help. You could also try lying down on that side.

Fluid in the ear treatment depends on the kind of the infection and the extent to which the infection has spread in the ear.

How to get fluid out of ears? Swallowing hard is the easiest way to keep your ears free of any infection. This is usually the simplest method of opening up the Eustachian tubes and is the easiest fluid in the ear remedy. So, if you want to remove fluid in the ear, both yawning and swallowing can do the trick.

When you yawn or swallow, you help relieve some of the pressure inside the ear, therefore allowing the fluid to drain out on its own. When the fluid drains out, the fluid in the ear symptoms are also relieved. There are times when the fluid may not come out very readily. In such a case, you may have to swallow hard several times to get the fluid out. If yawning and swallowing do not work well and the ear infection causes both pain and dizziness, it is time to give up on home remedies and see a doctor. Fluid buildup behind the ear drum may require serious and immediate intervention on the part of a doctor.

Another alternative to yawning and swallowing is apple cider vinegar. The vinegar has microbicidal properties and can help you get rid of a plugged ear. Simply use a dropper to pour a few drops of vinegar into your clogged ear to let the fluid out. You can also use a dropper to pour a few drops of hydrogen peroxide or olive oil into your ear. This too allows you to disinfect the ear, remove any dirt or debris, and prevent the water from keeping clogged inside. A hot compress around the ear can be really beneficial as well. As the fluid behind the ear becomes warm, it may flow right out of the ear or move into the throat. If you see fluid coming out from the ear, know that your remedy has worked in your favor.

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