Yoga For Pain

(February 18, 2009)

I feel pain in my shoulders when I move my arms upside. I also feel pain at back of my neck where back bone starts. I am also feeling pain in left hands middle finger where it is joint with the hand.

First of all you would be well advised to see either a Neuro Specialist or a Musculo-skeletal Specialist. Don’t rush into anything; we suggest you see a general physician and describe your symptoms in detail. He or she would be the best judge to recommend you either to a Neuro Specialist or a Musculo-skeletal Specialist. But, professional medical advice is a must.

Secondly, stop raising your arms just to check whether the pain has disappeared from your neck and shoulders. It won’t. On the contrary, it will make things worse. As far as the pain in your left hands middle finger, there is a suggestion of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, if you are accustomed to working long hours on a computer. In the absence of adequate information, it wouldn’t be possible to suggest you a Yoga regimen. Still, you could safely start certain practices that would, most certainly, help you without worsening your condition.

We wouldn’t recommend any Yogic exercises or Yogasanas (physical postures) at this stage. But you can safely start doing Pranayamas (breathing exercises). You could safely start with Kapalabhatti (Skull cleansing) together with Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing). Next, after a few weeks, add Ujjayi (Ocean breath) to your program. Do these for a few months (3 perhaps) then add Brahmari (Bee breath), Sitali (Cooling breath) and, finally, Suryabhedana (Right nostril breathing) to your program of Pranayamas (breathing exercises). No matter what avoid doing the Bhastrika (Bellows breath).

Simultaneously, you need a lot of Yogic relaxation. This you will get, in great measure, from your Pranayama (breathing exercise) practices as they are designed to calm the roving and raging thoughts and emotions and bring about a semblance of mental and emotional equipoise. Still, you need specific relaxation, such as Shavasana (Corpse pose). Please practise this at least twice a day, for at least fifteen minutes at a stretch, and if possible longer. You could safely go up to thirty minutes.

Finally, introduce breath meditation to your Yoga regimen. This consists of synchronized breathing that segues into normal breathing. At all times, stay with your breath. Make no attempt to still your mind, the way some folks may suggest. Rather, make every endeavor to stay with your breath. Should your mind wander, don’t let it bother you, but continue going back to your breathing. The point is to gently coax it back. Don’t get agitated. Remember, you are working at relaxing. It is in the nature of the mind to wander. You won’t achieve anything in a day, or a month, a year or even in a lifetime, perhaps. But, if you continue to persist on relaxed breathing you will certainly achieve lots and lots of relaxation. And this will go a long way in helping heal you.

Submitted by A on February 18, 2009 at 05:11

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