Osteoarthritis Inflammation Causes, Treatment

By Patricia | June 25, 2009

The sensations that you are feeling seem to conform to the symptoms of a condition called osteoarthritis. This is an auto inflammatory disease that is a consequence of aging in some people who are genetically predisposed to it. There are no cures for the condition yet and it can only be managed through its progression.


Osteoarthritis is a disease that signifies the inflammation of the joints. Unlike other inflammations, this disease does not occur due to any kind of microbial infections but rather because of a genetic predisposition to the disease. Most arthritis patients can trace a history of arthritis in their families. The condition starts with the ligaments, which are the soft tissue that coat the joints, breaking down. Once the protein matrices that hold together the ligaments break down, the bone of the joints start to rub against each other and the friction wears away the bones. This condition is then worsened by the body’s own repair mechanism for bones. Bones repair damage normally by a method that is much like sculpting. Cells add bone tissue to areas where it is required and take it away from places that it is not required. In osteoarthritis, the bone healing causes more bone deposits to occur in the areas where it is grinding off and this causes and erroneous growth, causing even further damage. Eventually the wear and tear of the bone causes inflammation and swelling in the joints. This is followed by a feeling of stiffness, burning, creaking and sometimes locking of the joints.

Arthritis Treatment:

Steoarthritis being an inflammatory disease is treated by reducing the effects of inflammation and ensuring that too much weight is not placed on the load bearing joints of the body. Corticosteroids are administered to reduce the inflammation of the joints and painkillers to reduce the pain associated with the inflammation. This is also followed by exercise that can also help the patients. Other alternative treatments include a high use of dairy products that will help supplement vitamin B, selenium supplements, a dose of antioxidants that are available in green leafy vegetables and a high intake of ginger extracts. Frankincense is an interesting herb that has been used for centuries in the treatment of arthritis. The resin from frankincense should be useful for this purpose and should alleviate the symptoms that you are facing. You should also consult a doctor on a technique called articular cartilage repair that is used nowadays to stem the onset of the nearly inevitable joint replacement surgery.

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