Yoga for Eyes

(July 25, 2008)

My daughter aged 18 years has been diagnosed to be suffering from Uveitis (eye inflammation) which is one of the autoimmune diseases. It is curable by Yoga?

Yoga does not claim to cure as a primary form treatment. Yoga therapy should be used as an alternative treatment to subdue the side-effects and discomfort associated with the condition, but only after it has been permitted by the doctor. In addition to eye exercises in yoga, (which have been cleared by the medical practitioner to be practiced by the patient) certain forms of supplements and vitamins such as vitamin E and vitamin C are known to have improved clarity amongst those with uveitis. According to a recent study patients with uveitis were given oral supplementations of vitamins E and C and were found to have had improved visual lucidity than those who were offered just placebos. Exercise is highly recommended for this particular condition and a daily schedule of at least 30 minutes of aerobic workouts is excellent in restoring the body's natural defense systems. Brisk walking and swimming are also good forms of exercises. It is important that the patient manages emotional strain and stress and yoga can greatly help in cutting down the risk of secondary eye conditions. Tai Chi and deep meditation techniques in yoga are also known to manage and bring down mental stress. Easing mental pressure and strain greatly contributes to the physical wellbeing and hence an equal amount of importance must be given to the practice of daily meditation.

Another ancient ayurvedic form of treatment is the use of turmeric as a healing element. Some research indicates that turmeric can be as good as corticosteroids for those patients with the condition of uveitis. One specific ingredient in turmeric known as curcumin that gives the color to the spice assists in blocking the development of various disorders such as multiple sclerosis and more. Consult with your doctor about adopting turmeric or its derived element as a form of medication. Early detection of the condition of uveitis and necessary therapies and medication can greatly cut the risk of vision loss and hence it is best to adopt a focused form of treatment to deal with the condition, rather than relying on exercise or an alternative treatment.

An effective form of complementary treatment that has shown beneficial results is the intake of Omega-3 Fish Oil supplementations. Ensure a decrease in caffeine and sodas in the diet. Completely avoid aspartame and saturated hydrogenated fats as a cooking medium, fatty foods, deep fried foods, foods containing monosodium glutamate, artificial flavors and alcohol. Smoking is known to produce a retinal toxin known as cyanide that affects the eyes and further damages the retina.

Submitted by C D on July 25, 2008 at 05:25

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