Wound Care Treatment And Healing

By Patricia | October 28, 2009

Wounds are a generic term for any kind of injury that results in the breaking of the outer layer of the skin or epidermis and are usually the consequence of cuts or scrapes. Depending on the kind of wound sustained, the options and methods of treatment will vary significantly. The process of healing will take place with some amount of scarring present on the healing tissues and muscles. The objective of efficient and proper care like dressing is to minimize the possibility of infection and scarring. The healing process can be classified into four groups known as the inflammatory phase, the proliferative phase, the remodeling phase and the epitheliazation. In the inflammatory phase, just as the name suggests, you will notice a swelling of the tissue present around the affected area.

Wound Healing Process

The wound will also possibly show signs of bleeding, an immediate narrowing of the blood vessels, clot formation and a release of various chemical substances that will aid the entire healing process. In the proliferative phase the new skin cells and blood vessels start to form. The newer and smaller blood vessels, known as capillaries, have a noticeable pink coloration or purple red appearance. These new blood vessels will also supply the rebuilding cells with oxygen and nutrients to sustain growth of the new cells and support the production of proteins such as collagen. The collagen acts as the framework on which the newer tissues will be built and it is the dominant force in the final scar. The injury will go through the remodeling phase after about three weeks from the date the injury was sustained and is the strengthening of the tissue. The blood vessel density becomes less and the wound will tend to lose its pink color. The area will continuously strengthen and achieve a level of about 70% of the strength of uninjured skin in about 6 months time. The epithelialization process is the laying down of new skin orepithelial cells that form the protective barrier between the body and the outer environment.

Infected Wound

If the wound is infected, proper care must be taken to make sure the infection does not spread and is neutralized before it causes significant damage to the body. Applying a dab of honey over the infected wound and covering it with some gauze will allow the honey to fight against the infections microbes.

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