Treatment For Watery Discharge During Periods

By Patricia | December 15, 2009

A day after my periods start it looks like more watery, is this normal?

The menstrual cycle is probably the most inconvenient part of a woman’s physiological well being. Considering the significant change that a woman’s body goes through almost every 28 days, it is a wonder how they handle the pain and discomfort with so much ease. However, as any woman will tell you, even the calmest of girl have a number of very rapid emotions running through them at the time. During menstruation, a woman sheds some amount of blood from the womb via the vagina and the bleeding can last for anything between three to seven days. Under normal circumstances, the woman will experience another cycle after roughly 28 days (although this depends on a variety of factors including the woman’s age, sexual activity as well as diet). If the woman does not get pregnant in the gap between two menstrual cycles, the next second menstrual cycle will take place. This process helps shed the now useless lining of uterus (this lining is consistently regenerated within the uterus between every menstrual cycle) as well as the unfertilized egg. As a result of the number of physiological changes taking place within the body, there are also some very significant hormonal changes as well. These hormonal changes will contribute substantially to the type of discharge expelled by the body, making it appear to be more watery. A watery discharge is not necessarily an indication of there being something wrong
with the body.

Treatment For Watery Discharge

While it is unlikely that you are suffering from a medical problem that results in watery discharge, you should ideally visit your gynecologist for a second opinion. There are a few dietary and lifestyle changes that you could incorporate in order to increase the chances of having regular and controlled periods. Coriander seeds are very useful in treating problems related to menstruation. You can boil approximately 5 to 6 grams of coriander seeds in half a liter of water and boil the concoction until only half the volume of water remains. You could also try pounding a fresh piece of ginger and boil it in a cupful of water and consume the potion after each meal. Consumption of any sugar, confectionaries, pickles, strong tea or caffeine should be avoided while smoking is also ill advised. Another treatment option would be to extract the juice out of a fresh mango bark and mix about 10 ml of the juice with about 120 ml of water. Consume about one teaspoon of the concoction after very hour for best results.

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