Yoga for menstrual problems

(August 22, 2011)

I have irregular mentrual periods are there yoga for that? Sometimes I don't get periods for over 8 months, are there special Yoga for that

What Is The Correct Way Of Doing Yoga To Cure Menstrual Cramps? 

Yoga can be used for relieving menstrual cramps, but before you begin to perform yoga, it is important to make sure that you know how to perform these yoga poses. Most yoga practitioners and instructors recommend avoiding inverted yoga poses. Performing inverted yoga poses or twisting poses during menstruation could disrupt the flow of the blood, causing more pain and discomfort.

Yoga exercises for menstrual cramps are usually easy to perform as they are either simple sitting and standing poses or resting poses. A lot of breathing techniques can also benefit those experiencing painful menstruation. Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing) can help you increase lung capacity and improve overall functioning of the body. The various breathing techniques also improve blood circulation, which help ease the flow of blood during menstruation. This also helps you soothe any pain that you experience in your body due to the menstruation. There are some restful poses such as the Balasana (Child Pose) and Yoga Nidra, both of which help relieve stress and bring calm and peace to your mind and body.

Savasana (Corpse Pose) is another great resting pose that helps you relieve physical tension and relieve physical stress. This also helps you soothe the nerves and the muscles that can get stressed during menstruation. This is one of the best ways to ease menstrual cramps.

Submitted by s s on August 22, 2011 at 01:59

What Are The Yoga Postures To Get Rid Of Menstrual Pain? 

There are several yoga postures for menstrual pain and for the management of the symptoms of painful menstruation. With the help of yoga, you can improve your health and strengthen your body. You can also improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, so that your menstruation is no longer painful.

Some of the standing postures in the yoga for menstrual pain relief include the Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Pavritta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose), and Utthita Parvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose). These yoga postures massage the lower abdomen, and all the reproductive organs located within. These postures also increase and improve the flow of blood to the womb, relieving pain.

Other ways to relieve menstrual cramps include some sitting postures such as the Bhada Konasana (Large Angle Pose), Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose), and Malasana (Garland Pose). All of these postures relax the body. These poses, when complemented by standing poses, can help massage the lower back and the lower abdomen. These are especially beneficial for menstrual cramps and lower back pain. You can also practice the Suptabada Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose), which is not only great for relieving menstrual pain, but also improves fertility and helps you treat urinary tract infections. Keep in mind to avoid inverted yoga poses during menstruation.

Submitted by R J on August 22, 2011 at 01:55

How Yoga Asanas Helps Menstrual Problems In Women?

Yoga is a great way to address a lot of different health conditions and physical disorders. You can perform yoga asanas for menstrual cramps or other menstrual problems.

Here is how yoga can help treat the various menstrual symptoms.

  • A large part of yoga is about the breathing techniques. When you perform yoga asanas or poses, your transition from one pose into another is easier with the help of various breathing techniques. The increased lung capacity as well as the controlled rhythm of breathing helps the body find great relief. It will also help relieve stress and anxiety.
  • When you practice yoga for menstrual disorder, you improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, some of which are responsible for the regulating the menstruation. Yoga also promotes flexibility in the body so that the muscles become supple and do not cramp or get injured. When your body is stronger, you feel less pain as well.
  • Yoga therapy for healthy menstrual cycle can also improve overall well-being. Meditation can help relieve stress, both physical and mental, thus infusing you with peace and taking your mind off all the menstrual problems.
  • Regular practice of yoga also improves blood circulation, therefore minimizing pain and discomfort resulting from painful cramps and heavy menstrual flow.

Submitted by C D on August 22, 2011 at 01:51

Which Yoga Asanas Are Best To Cure Menstrual Problems? 

Yoga has been deemed useful for a lot of different health problems and ailments. Many women have performed yoga for menstrual problems, and have found the poses beneficial for managing the symptoms of PMS.

Some of the yoga poses that can help you manage these symptoms are as follows:

  • Surya mudra (Gesture of the Sun):This is one of the best yoga poses for delayed menstrual cycle. Simply bend your ring finger and put pressure on it using your thumb. This gesture should be performed twice a day and held for at least 15 minutes. This would also help relieve menstrual cramps and abdominal pain.
  • Shakti Mudra (Sacral Gesture):This is a simple gesture in which the tips of the little fingers of the two hands touch each other while the ring fingers touch the thumbs of the corresponding hands. Keep this gesture for 3 minutes and then bring the tips of the ring fingers together while touching the tips of the little fingers with the thumbs. This is one of the best yoga postures for irregular menstrual cycle and lower abdominal pain.
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Asana):This is a back strengthening exercise that will help you decrease the pain you experience in your lower back. This is a simple pose to perform, and can be performed at home once you learn how to do it.

Submitted by A on August 22, 2011 at 01:48

Anulom vilom
is a breathing exercise which is done by using alternate nostrils. Anulom vilom is a form of pranayam which is a breathing exercise that is an important part of the yoga philosophy. Pranayam is a very important part of the entire approach to yoga. The modulated breathing helps unite the body and soul, which is one of the main aims of yoga. Anulom vilom is done by closing one nostril at a time. First close your eyes and relax your muscles. Inhale from your left nostril, while keeping your right thumb on the right nostril to keep it shut.  Hold your breath for a few seconds. Then close your left nostril with two fingers of your right hand and exhale out from the right nostril. Then, breathe in from the right nostril, keeping the left nostril closed. After holding your breath for a few seconds, exhale from the left nostril. Repeat this a few times. The duration of anulom vilom is about 45 seconds to 1 minute per round. You can repeat it as many time as you can do it or are comfortable doing it. Yoga masters say that you should do this for a minimum of 10 minutes or can do for up to 1 hour, if possible.

The best time to practice anulom vilom is early in the morning, in an area that is serene and relaxing like a garden perhaps. It is also advisable to be on an empty stomach when you do this. To do anulom vilom after food is not the most effective.  Anulom vilom is also considered to be one of the easier pranayams that can be done by almost everyone. It is also called Nadhi Shudhi Pranayam or Nadi Shodhana Pranayam.  One of the main benefits of anulom vilom pranayama includes the removal of stress on a permanent basis. It helps in the effective digestion of food and even brings down blood pressure or hypertension related problems. The body is known to experience a lot of good with the regular and correct practice of anulom vilom. It is known to reduce cholesterol, remove artery blockages, deal with flatulence and digestive disorders, control sugar levels for diabetics and even tackle obesity. Anulom vilom also increases the flow of oxygen to the brain. This form of breathing can even control snoring, sinus problems and migraines. While anulom vilom is great for hypertension, it is not advisable during pregnancy or even while menstruation.

Often, along with anulom vilom, the practice of kapalbhati is also encouraged. Kapalbhati is when attention is paid to exhalation --you exhale your breath forcefully. This is done in conjunction with anulom vilom, to derive maximum benefit. These two breathing techniques are also helpful to people who might not be able to practice yoga due physical limitations. Such people can almost always perform anulom vilom and kapalbhati.  Some of the additional benefits from kapalbhati include blood purification and an improvement in back-related problems due to good posture. It also helps in clearing skin related problems like psoriasis, eczema, leucoderma and vitiligo. Anulom vilom done regularly especially with kapalbhati is known to cure chronic health problems. Kapalbhati can also help cure problems like enlarged prostrates and obesity. For beginners or first timers, you can look up the many videos that are available online to see how it is done. There are many yoga masters, who talk about the goodness of these pranayams. These yoga masters claim anulom vilom and kapalbhati can rid you off any possible health problem. The only requirement is that you do it regularly and repeatedly. Anulom viloma has many advantages and only requires regularity in the practice of these breathing techniques.

Menstruation can be a troubling time for women but with yoga the havoc of hormones can be reduced. Though anulom vilom cannot be done during menstruation, there are other asanas or poses in yoga that can be done for menstrual problems like menstrual cramps and other premenstrual symptoms of irritability and depression. Regular yoga is known to reduce the incidence of premenstrual symptoms and menstrual cramps. Though there are divided opinions on whether or not you can do yoga during menstruation or while menstruating, popular opinions say it depends on the comfort level of the woman. Depending on the ease and comfort, yoga during menstruating can comprise of easy poses. Poses like yoga nidra, trikonasana or triangular pose, and tadasana or mountain pose are all good poses. For the women who sometimes feel uncomfortable during their menstruation, poses like suryanamaskar or the sun pose, inverted poses or poses that put pressure on the abdomen can be avoided, depending on the level of discomfort. Poses like padmasana or the lotus pose, janushirsasana or head to knee forward bend, paschimotanasana or seated forward bend and baddha konasana or butterfly pose can alleviate discomfort or pain.

While anulom vilom is a good way to begin your practice of yoga, if you want more benefits from yoga, you need to start doing other asanas or poses as you grow confident and stronger. Yoga has many complicated poses that include inversions that have headstands. An inversion is considered quite important and close to the actual spirit of yoga. Most students, who start off with basic poses, aspire to do inversions. These inversions need to be done, at least initially, with supervision and can be very liberating once you are able to do them on your own. Typically yoga is used to lose weight but did you know you can also do yoga to gain weight? Yoga for weight gain involves doing easy poses and improving stamina through breathing exercises. Underweight people tend to have very little stamina. Increasing their stamina also increases their appetite. Some of the asanas you can do to gain weight include sukhasana or easy pose, shavasasana or corpse pose and sarvangasana or shoulder stand. If you are trying to put on weight, remember to also increase your food intake to match your stamina. But the food should be food that is healthy too. Avoid junk food and processed food as they are filled with calories that are harmful to the body.

Submitted by A on June 15, 2011 at 06:10

Sounds like you need a doctor's opinion, but there are a few poses that can help Menstrual troubles:
  • bow
  • fish
  • supine hero
  • seated forward fold

Submitted by C on December 20, 2007 at 07:20

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