How To Prevent Heredity Bunions

By Patricia | December 15, 2009

What precautions and treatment to use to cure heredity bunions

The development of bunions is a very common phenomenon and is characterized by the prominent enlargement of the inner portion of the joint near the base of the big toe. Most occurrences of bunions are caused by some external physical factor, however, in some cases the primary reason may be an individual inheriting a deformed bone structure. Studies have shown that the condition affects women 10 times more often than men. Certain factors such as the choice of footwear – especially high heeled, narrow toed shoes, as well as amount of stress applied to this portion of the foot – mainly as a result of the way a person walks, can greatly increase the likelihood of bunion development. Bunions are also known to be more common in people that wear shoes than compared to those that remain barefoot. If affected by the condition as a result of hereditary, you are likely to notice the bone deformity from birth itself. As a result of the kind of pressure applied to this area of the foot, bunions are a very common sight in ballet dancers.

Some of the more common symptoms experienced when affected by bunions include a dull pain around the affected area, a noticeable swelling of the surrounding tissue as well as a bright redness. Walking is likely to cause a significant amount of pain and regular resting of the feet will become almost a requirement.

While there are no natural remedies that will help treat bunions, there are a number of lifestyle changes that you could incorporate in order to prevent the bunions to affect your life to any great extent. For example, the right kind of footwear is almost imperative. Always choose shoes that have a lot of toe room as tight fitting shoes are likely to exert a lot of pressure on the big toe and move it inwards – thereby developing the bone deformity. If the bunion seems excessively painful, irritated and tender, you may be best advised to pad the area of the shoe in order to provide more comfort. Whenever possible, avoid wearing any footwear and let your legs rest. This will help the feet recover from any stress that they have experienced during the course of the day. For added measure, you should also try getting a foot massage with the help of some coconut oil just before retiring for the night. If you are very insistent on getting the condition corrected, the only effective way of doing so would be to consult your podiatrist about a foot surgery.

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