Improving Kidney Function With Creatinine

By Patricia | September 13, 2009

What Is Creatine? Does Creatinine Helps To Improve Kidney Function

Creatine is a substance that is necessary for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and is not connected with the function or improvement of the kidneys. The substance that is however connected with kidney function is creatinine. Creatinine is a substance that is created as a natural result of muscle function when it breaks down to creatine phosphate. It is excreted by the kidneys and the presence of serum creatinine at elevated levels indicates that there is some kind of renal failure. Improving kidney function after a transplant requires that you continue taking the immunosuppressant drugs, that you have been given, and ensure that you are hydrated at all times.

Improve Kidney Function Understanding what you need to do to improve kidney function requires that you understand what makes the kidneys work. Kidneys require a continuous force of blood into its nephrons that sieve out material by diffusion. The kidneys require a continuous pressure to function normally and therefore the need for you to keep fluid levels high. When this process breaks down due myriad reasons, diuretics are administered to force the kidney into action. Depending on the cause of the disease and the extent of damage to the kidney, a transplant is then required. Transplants even among similar individuals are a complicated issue and the drugs that need to be taken to avoid rejection are also problematic. This is because the drugs that are administered, immunosuppressants, work by suppressing the immune system and this leaves the door open to infections to occur and also potential cancers and other disorders. Sepsis could also occur as a result of an infection that can affect the entire body.

Kidney Infection

If your kidneys are functioning normally as far as urine output and its composition is concerned, then you have relatively very little to worry about and all you need to do is to ensure that your fluid levels, your blood sugar, and your body is kept healthy. Due to the action of immunosuppressant drugs, there are an entire host of infections that could take hold of your body, so you need to be extra careful about your personal cleanliness. The use of coffee has been long advocated for preventing kidney disease because of its diuretic effects. This can again prove useful since you have a proper, working kidney. You should however regulate the intake of coffee that you drink, because it is know to cause the excretion of calcium from the body. Two cups a day would be the perfect quantity.

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