Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies & Treatment

By Patricia | September 29, 2009

The constant and frequent urge to urinate can cause quit an interruption to your daily routine and schedule. It also causes a considerable drop in a woman’s concentration levels while also hampering overall productivity. Also known as an overactive bladder – the condition is known to be more common in women than in men, but can be caused by a variety of different problems. The condition may also lead to a loss of control over the bladder – causing you to lose a small amount of urine whenever you cough or laugh.


Urinary tract infections are one of the most common causes of an overactive bladder. One in every five women will experience a urinary tract infection through the course of her life and some cases can be rather severe. The infection starts with some bacteria gaining access to the urinary tract and bedding itself down in order to grow. Urinary tract infections can cause a significant amount of pain while passing urine – thereby causing a person to pass urine in smaller quantities at frequent intervals. If you are affected by a urinary tract infection, the urine would seem to appear a little cloudy or have the presence of some amount of blood.

Home Remedies

Changes in hormonal levels such as those that occur during pregnancy, childbirth or menopause can significantly reduce the bladders ability to stretch – thus reducing the amount of urine it can store before expulsion. This lower volume content gives rise to the more frequent urge to urinate. Certain chronic diseases like diabetes or tumors on the bladder can also constrict the bladder making it necessary for the affected individual to go to the washroom more often. Obstructions such as stones present in the kidneys or bladder may make it difficult to eliminate all of the urine content within the body in one instance – thus making shorter but more frequent trips the more convenient option. If the heightened frequency of urination is accompanied by a fever, back ache, chills or vomiting you may want to approach a licensed doctor to conduct some medical tests to identify if the problem is a symptom of a more severe medical condition. Magnesium hydroxide is an active ingredient found in the milk of magnesia, Mylanta and Maalox and is known to be extremely beneficial when dealing with this problem. An intake of two teaspoons a day will provide best results. You should also avoid drinking beverages that are high in caffeine or alcohol content as they will further increase the urge for urination.

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