What Causes Acid Reflux

By Patricia | July 8, 2009

At the entrance of the stomach is a sphincter. After food and water passes into the stomach through the esophagus, the sphincter usually closes shut to prevent the food from going back up. However, at times this sphincter may not shut properly, and the acidic contents of the stomach rise back up and enter the esophagus. This results in a burning sensation in the chest and is also known as acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a condition in which a person suffers from the backward flow of acids from the stomach into the esophagus. A person suffering from this condition is quite likely to suffer from acid reflux burping, during which sour liquid or regurgitated food, comes up, right to the back of the throat. This also causes a burning sensation in the chest, which in turn leads to heart burn.

Causes of Acid Reflux

There are many reasons that can cause acid reflux. A person’s lifestyle and diet more often than not play a huge role in causing acid reflux, or in extreme cases, gastroesophageal reflux disease. Consumption of certain medications can also cause constant acid reflux. Along with adults, acid reflux is also a common condition in children. In infants, acid reflux usually happens after feeding, though it is also common when the baby cries or strains him/herself. Acid reflux in a baby is normally considered healthy and usually fades away as the child grows up.

The stomach has muscles that help to pass the digested food into the small intestine. When our stomachs function normally, we are mostly unaware of the complexity of our digestive system. However, if the stomach muscles weaken for some reason, food passes into the small intestine at a slower pace than normal. This causes one to feel bloated even hours after eating a meal.

Additionally, acid reflux, smelly burps, and even vomiting can be signs of a serious medical condition called gastroparesis. In addition to other causes, experts also correlate the occurrence of gastroparesis with alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption can damage the muscles of the stomach and cause uncomfortable changes within the body.

Causes of Smelly Burps

There are many things that can cause acid reflux. Let us take a brief look at a few of them:

  • Eating large meals and then immediately lying down can cause heart burn.
  • Being overweight put ones at a risk to many illnesses, acid reflux being one of them.
  • Certain food items can cause acid indigestion in the stomach. Spicy food is a definite no for those with sensitive stomachs. Garlic and citrus-based products can also increase chances of acid reflux. In addition, eating a rich meal can cause discomfort to patients with acid reflux. The body may react with diarrhea, vomiting, and stinky burps.
  • Pregnancy can cause acid reflux.
  • Certain medication is responsible for acid reflux in the body. Blood pressure medications and pain relieving medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen can cause heartburn. Consult your doctor for a possible change in medication to prevent acid reflux from occurring.


Acid reflux is mostly harmless if it occurs occasionally. However, it is a matter of concern if it occurs regularly in both adults and infants. Please consult your physician to get an accurate picture of this medical condition. As mentioned earlier, more often than not a poor diet can cause acid reflux. A well balanced diet offers the body a variety of vitamins and minerals that it cannot produce on its own. Healthy diets include lots of fruit and vegetables, whole wheat grains and low fat dairy products in proper proportion. Regular exercise also helps keep the body healthy and strong. Giving up alcohol and nicotine can also help reduce symptoms of acid reflux.

Home Remedies

There are a variety of home remedies that claim to prevent acid reflux.

  • Herbal specialists recommend the calming effect of herbal teas on the stomach.
  • Chamomile and ginger tea are said to have healing properties for acid reflux.
  • A pinch of baking soda in water helps to provide instant relief for heartburn.
  • Drinking 2 big glasses of warm water every morning, immediately, after waking up, to reduce the chances of fermentation of food
  • Taking one sulfur pill each day, just before bedtime, for the duration of 5 days
  • Adding one teaspoon of vinegar to half a cup of water and drinking the mixture once a day, for a period of 5 days

Very little research has been conducted on the effectiveness of home remedies.  

What to Avoid

Some of the cures for smelly burps or burps that smell like rotten eggs could also include certain lifestyle and dietary changes. There are certain foods that evoke an adverse reaction in some people. Hence, it is important for an individual to identify such foods and avoid them.

  • Foods that usually cause the problems of smelly burps include milk, dairy products, caffeine, alcohol and spicy food.
  • People should also make sure that they eat small, but frequent meals during the course of the day.
  • Drinking beverages with a straw causes the body to ingest additional amounts of air, which also leads to excessive gas and therefore, this should be avoided.
  • Please consult your doctor before making drastic changes in your diet.
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