Get Rid of Baby Flab With Simple Post Pregnancy Yoga Exercises

By Patricia | May 1, 2009
Post Pregnancy Yoga

As wonderful as pregnancy is, it also places an enormous strain on the body of the mother. Massive weight gain, strange urges and cravings, frequent mood swings, cramping, and pain are all part and parcel of any pregnancy. Of course, all of this is worthwhile for the joy of giving birth to your own child; but if you want to get your life and body back to normal after pregnancy, you need to act decisively and fast.

What are my options? When it comes to getting rid of post baby flab, post-pregnancy yoga, or post-natal yoga as it is more popularly known, is one of the best options. Why does yoga score over other forms of exercise when it comes to losing post baby flab? Let us find out.

Yoga is gentle. Yoga is a gentle form of exercise. Even if you were a regular marathon runner before your pregnancy, don’t even think of getting back into full time training after your child is born. Other exercises such as aerobics, weight training, cycling, or running, also put a lot of additional stress at a time when your bones and joints are already reeling under the pressure of carrying extra weight. Don’t stress them more. Yoga will not only allow you to get rid of post baby flab, but it will also let you do so at your own pace, without putting additional strain on your joints.

It realigns the body. The stretching exercises that are an important part of yoga, allow any misalignments in the body to be corrected. This is especially important post pregnancy when your body may have become misaligned due to the excess load it has had to bear for the last couple of months.

You can set your own pace. Yoga is the most non-competitive fitness workout ever. You do not have to compete against other people, the clock, your heart rate, or the size and strength of your muscles. In fact all yoga exercises are designed to be performed as per your comfort level. If you’re not comfortable holding a certain pose, simply move on to an alternate posture.

It works on the mind. Unlike other forms of exercise, yoga also has a profound impact on the mind. It helps to induce positive thoughts and allows the mind to develop focus and clarity. This can be invaluable after pregnancy, as this is a phase characterized by a lot of emotional upheaval.

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