How To Prevent the Swelling Of Salivary Glands

By Patricia | June 10, 2009

The salivary glands are exocrine glands that produce saliva. Small tubes called ducts empty saliva into the mouth. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase that helps in digestion. In addition, saliva is vital to moisten the mouth, help to swallow food, and protect the teeth from decay. The three main salivary glands that produce saliva are the parotid glands located on the sides of the face, submandibular glands situated at the floor of the mouth, and sublingual glands that are located under the tongue. Along with these main glands, small salivary glands are present in the mouth. Saliva is produced by all these glands that help in the digestive process by breaking the food down and preventing the decaying of the teeth. Apart from cancer, there are two main kinds of disorders the salivary glands are affected by. One disorder leads to a salivary gland malfunction in which the amount of saliva that is produced is less. The other disorder leads to swollen salivary glands. When the production of saliva is insufficient, the mouth becomes dry. This condition is known as dry mouth or xerostomia.

Causes And Treatment

There are certain common reasons such as the onset of cold, sudden changes in temperature, and straining throat area that cause swelling of salivary glands. The swelling or pain in the salivary glands causes salivary gland disorders. However, swollen salivary glands caused by infection and obstruction need immediate attention. Obstruction of saliva occurs when the ducts become blocked and saliva cannot drain. Bacteria or viral infections like mumps or Sjogren’s syndrome can also cause swollen salivary glands.


Many factors can interfere with the function of salivary glands, causing malfunction of the salivary gland or blocked salivary duct. Some of the common problems include the following.

  • Sialoliths: The accumulation of crystallized saliva forms salivary stones.  This is a common cause of inflamed salivary glands. These salivary stones block the flow of saliva, causing pain and swelling. It is therefore ecessary to remove the blockage. If untreated, it can cause infection.
  • Bacterial infection like sialadenitis
  • Viral infection like mumps
  • Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Tuberculous infection of salivary glands
  • Severe dehydration
  • Tumor


Some of the swollen salivary gland symptoms include:

  • Bad or foul taste in the mouth
  • Dry mouth
  • Pain in the mouth or face
  • Discomfort when opening the mouth
  • Swelling of the neck or face
  • Swelling in front of the ears
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Tooth decay
  • Mouth sore

Bulimia and Turmeric

Bulimia can lead to enlarged salivary glands. Bulimia is an eating disorder, and binge eating and purging are the characteristics of bulimia. Continuous vomiting and binging can result in enlarged salivary glands. Bulimia and turmeric are closely related as turmeric is an effective home remedy for enlarged salivary glands caused by bulimia. Turmeric supports the immune system and cleanses the lymph nodes, thereby reducing the inflammation. Add a pinch of turmeric powder to warm water. Gargling with this water can heal swollen glands. Turmeric can also be consumed in tablet form.

How to heal a swollen salivary gland?

When it comes to swollen salivary glands, treatment can be of two types: surgical and medical. The treatment will be chosen based on the nature of condition. If the problem is because of systemic diseases, then the problem that underlies it should be treated. If the cause of the disease is an obstruction or infection to the salivary glands, you may be recommended by the doctor to take in more fluids and antibiotics may also be prescribed. For salivary glands that are swollen, treatment may also involve instruments to open the blocked ducts. If there is the development of a mass in the salivary glands, it may be recommended to remove it.

In the parotid glands, most of the masses are benign or noncancerous. Therefore, when surgery is being performed, it is necessary to be careful not to damage the facial nerve present in this gland that enables the movement of the facial muscles, including the eye and mouth. After surgery, a treatment of radiation is usually recommended. This is usually administered around four to six weeks after the surgery has been performed to give enough time for healing.

Acupuncture treatmentfor swelling salivary glands are also proved to be immensely helpful. There are certain home remedies that are effective in reducing the symptoms.

  • Drink adequate water to avoid dryness and keep the glands active.
  • Fresh fruit juices help to enhance salivary secretion and reduce swelling.
  • Keep away from alcohol beverages and colas. Avoid drinking too hot or too cold drinks that can aggravate the symptoms.
  • Salt water gargling is one of the best home remedies for swollen salivary glands
  • Ginger tea is remarkably effective in the treatment of swollen salivary glands. Ginger has cooling and soothing properties that help to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Maintaining proper oral hygiene can prevent swelling of salivary glands as bacteria in the mouth is the common cause of swelling.
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