Dark Skin Between Inner Thighs: Causes and Home Remedies

By Patricia | July 3, 2009

Today’s world highly emphasizes an individual’s aesthetic appeal and good looks are known to play a more significant role than ever before. Fair skin is something that is considered to be one of the most aesthetically cherished factors and walking into any cosmetics store anywhere in the world is likely to see you confronted by a number of cosmetic products that will promise to completely change your complexion in a matter of days. While very few of these will actually have any considerable effect on your appearance, it goes to show the amount of demand that fair skin is in. The natural darkening of the skin as well as dark circles around the eyes and dark skin around the inner thighs can be attributed to a number of factors that will all require different types of treatments to help restore to anything resembling their original coloration.

Acanthosis Nigricans is a condition in which there is a development of brown to black markings on various parts of the body – most commonly the neck, underarms and groin. Unlike the condition of hyper pigmentation- where the darkening of the skin has a lot to do with the influence of the harmful effects of the ultra violet rays the sun releases, Acanthosis Nigricans is primarily caused by obesity. Excessive consumption of the wrong foods, especially those that contain starches and high quantities of sugar are known to result in elevated insulin levels. Extensive medical research shows that patients with acanthosis nigricans have higher levels of insulin in their bodies than compared with individuals that are not suffering from the condition. Moreover, these elevated levels of insulin within the body tend to activate the insulin receptors within the body – forcing them to grow abnormally. There are a few instances in which acanthosis nigricans will develop in individuals that are not suffering from obesity. Because of the fact that the condition are also known to be influenced by the development of a tumor in some cases, it is essential that you inform a doctor of the same to ensure timely and accurate treatment of any significant complications that you are likely to experience.

The development of dark skin patches all over the body is likely to be the result of hyper pigmentation. As mentioned earlier, Hyper pigmentation is the result of the skin being overexposed to the very harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. These ultraviolet rays are known to be the primary causing factors in the development of conditions such as skin cancer as well as skin cell augmentation. In an effort to naturally protect the cells from the harmful effects of these conditions, The main defense mechanism to accomplish this in the human body is the melanin – which is the coloring agent of the cells. When the body detects that certain parts of the skin are excessively exposed to direct sunlight, the production of melanin in the lower layers of the skin is increased and the excess melanin is distributed to the parts of the skin that require it. Sometimes, this excess melanin will collect in certain areas of the body – causing certain parts of the skin to look darker than its surroundings – leading to the development of dark patches on the skin.

Another very common cause of the development of dark patches on the skin as well as the dark skin in the inner thighs is the significant friction that is caused by wearing rather tight fitting clothes. Because of the high friction, it is not uncommon for the skin layers to be damaged on a regular basis, with chaffing being the most common problem. Dark skin around the outer thighs are also likely to be caused by the same problem. One factor that is likely to cause these patches on the skin that is very often ignored, is the use of low quality cosmetic products. Low quality cosmetic products are known to contain a lot of low quality chemicals that may even have a lasting effect on your skin.

The development of dark skin around the inner thighs could also very easily be the result of some underlying medical condition, such as in the case of polycystic ovarian syndrome – where it is a major symptom that helps in the diagnosis of the condition.

Because of the fact that fairness is such a cherished aesthetic feature, there are a number of skin lightening tips that have been developed and perfected all over the world. For instance, lemon juice is widely considered to be one of the most effective natural bleaching agents and should be applied over the area for a short period on a regular basis. Performing this regularly over a period of a couple of months will see a noticeable change in the color of your skin around the area. Another option is to dry orange peels in the sun and, when they are fully dried – to grind them into a mixture and create a powder to which a little amount of raw milk should be added. Apply this paste to your skin on a regular basis to help reduce the prominence of any dark patches and rinse it off with the help of lukewarm water. Another option is to take some sandalwood powder and add some lemon juice, cucumber juice, tomato juice and apply it to your skin everyday till you notice a brighter and more even skin tone. You can also try soaking almonds in water over the course of the night and peel them in the morning before grinding them into a paste that can be applied to the face or other regions of dark skin after having added a couple of teaspoons of honey to it. Potatoes are another very effective natural bleaching agent that are known to help reduce the darkness of the skin. Dark skin present near the groin or on the inner thighs is a normal phenomenon. Due to constant skin friction that takes place from the thighs rubbing against each other while walking or running, the skin tends to get darker. Another factor contributing to the dark skin is obesity and people who are over weight tend to experience this condition. The dark skin patch caused by friction or chafing can be a source of embarrassment especially during social situation such as swimming. One way to prevent constant rubbing of the thighs is to avoid wearing tight clothes and attempt at losing excess weight especially if you are over weight.

Dark Skin Inner Thigh

In some women, there maybe many causes of dark skin patches on the inner thighs. One of the causes that can be attributed to this condition is due to the regular use of birth control pills that is believed to be a plausible factor in the formation of skin pigmentations in other areas. Another reason for dark skin conditions maybe the presence of a skin disorder, known as acanthosis nigricans, which is a skin disease characterized by dark wart like patches in the body folds; may be benign or malignant. This skin condition causes dark patchy marks in areas where folds of skin are present especially in the neck, the armpits, below the breasts, including the inner thighs. You may need to consult a dermatologist if you suspect this skin condition, more importantly if you suffer from diabetes. Women who suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or Disease (PCOS, PCOD) are also likely to be affected by pigmented skin patches.

Dark Skin Treatment

You must consult your doctor if you experience symptoms other than the appearance of pigmented skin, as that may help in diagnosing and treating any underlying condition. However, if the darkening of the skin is a normal phenomenon homemade remedies or simple do-it-yourself methods can help in lightening the skin. Blend fresh lemon juice with either bath oil, olive oil or almond oil. Since lemon can be very acidic, it can chafe the skin and hence is best to use a small quantity as an application.

Mix the juice and oil together and apply it on the inner thighs. The application can be washed off after an hour.

Although there is no particular kind of food or diet that can cause the lightening of the skin, having a balanced diet is beneficial for the development of healthy skin. Try avoiding heavy, spicy or greasy meals and instead incorporate legumes, fresh produce such as vegetables and fruits and whole cereals to your daily diet. Consuming a good quantity of water throughout the day is also helpful in hydrating the skin and preventing blemishes.

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