Yoga For Patients With Neurasthenia Disorder

By Patricia | January 6, 2009
Yoga For Neurasthenia

What Are Poses For Neurasthenia Other Than Corpse Pose

Neurasthenia benefit from yoga, particularly the Corpse pose or Shavasana. If you already know about the Corpse Pose, then you can do other postures that are derived from this posture. Before we discuss the postures, let’s understand what neurasthenia is and how yoga can help patients.

Neurasthenia Disorder: Hypochondria, concentration problems, anxiety and irritability are some of the characteristics of Neurasthenia. This neural disease has quite a few varied symptoms that range from immense fatigue, pain, numbness, worry and even fainting spells. Some doctors think that Neurasthenia could be the modern day manifestation of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Neurasthenia is diagnosed by looking for the following problems:

  • Perpetual exhaustion as well as exhaustion light mental or physical effort.
  • Muscle pain, headache, tension, dizziness, irritability and the inability to relax. A patient may not face all the problems, but may have a combination of a few of these.
  • The feeling if malaise and irritability as well as exhaustion cannot be cured through rest and recuperation.
  • Nightmares and troubled sleeping patterns are also another symptom of Neurasthenia.

If any or all of these symptoms last for more than three months, then you should visit your doctor for a check-up.

Neurasthenia has several sub-types, which include cerebral, spinal, gastro-intestinal, cardiac, urinary and sexual. Each of these sub-types has a different set of symptoms and affects the patient in different ways. The cause of these problems is un-known.

Yoga and Neurasthenia: Yoga can be therapeutic and there are a few poses like Shavasana and others based on Shavasana, which are said to provide relief to patients.

Shavasana Or Corpse Pose: This posture resembles the body of a dead person. This is a relaxing pose and is generally done after practicing difficult poses. A posture that relaxes all the muscles of the body, it is accompanied with slow, gentle breathing which is said to cure headaches, insomnia, dizziness, high blood pressure and even sciatica pain.

There are other poses that you can do to help Neurasthenia. These are based on the Corpse pose and while all of these help Neurasthenia patients, these poses have other benefits too:

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend): This posture is therapeutic for Uttanasana. It also cures constipation, indigestion and helps patients cope with diabetes and sciatica.

Naukasana or Boat pose: This pose strengthens the shoulder and neck and tones up the abdominal muscles.

Svottanasana (Upside-Down Dog Pose): This pose brings relief to sciatica pain and joint pain, and is good for curing constipation.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand): A good pose for stimulating the thyroid gland, it is also good for asthma and other digestive and respiratory problems.

Ardha Sarvaangasana (Half Shoulder Stand): This posture is good for piles and varicose veins.

Langalasana (Plough Pose): A good posture for stimulating the pancreas, this pose also cures back and joint pains.

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