Yoga Poses For Supine

By Patricia | November 5, 2008
Benefits Of Supine Yoga Poses

The word ‘Supine’ means lying on one’s back. Hence these supine yoga poses are done lying on the back, face upwards. Here you will get familiar with a few of the Supine Poses, and learn how they benefit you:

Types Of Supine Yoga Poses

  1. Single and Double Leg Raises

    This is a set of Yoga exercises done to get the body ready for asanas. They benefit the lower back muscles, legs, and abdominal region. In Single Leg Raises, you raise one leg at a time, the other remaining on the floor.

    Double Leg Raises are similar to Single Leg Raises, except that here you raise both legs simultaneously. Always see that that the whole back is resting on the floor and that the shoulders and neck remain relaxed.

  2. Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

    This Wind Relieving Yoga Pose works mostly on your digestive system. It particularly, helps eliminate excess gas from the abdominal area. The term Pavanamuktasana is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Pavana' meaning wind and 'Mukta' meaning discharge or let go.

  3. Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)

    After Headstand, the Shoulderstand is considered the best asana. The Shoulderstand has equal therapeutic benefits for both men and women and can be practised by people of all ages. Sarvangasana helps rejuvenate and stimulate the whole body, while helping the practitioner build up both power as well as a new structure in the back. It helps relax tension in the usual stress areas such as the lower back and neck. Sarvangasana is also best for stimulating the thyroid gland and for improving blood circulation in the neck, the chest, shoulders, and upper back.

  4. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

    In Viparita Karani you end up with both legs resting comfortably against a wall. Your lower back and pelvis are entirely supported by your hands, and your upper body rests comfortably on the floor. Moving close to the wall could cause the hamstrings to protest. That's okay however; you can come out of the pose and slide a couple inches away from the wall.


  • Stretch muscles, ligaments and nerves while trimming and strengthening the thighs, hips and abdomen.
  • Increase hip and spinal flexibility
  • Improve circulation and respiration, digestion, assimilation and elimination, concentration and memory


  • Pregnancy (after 1st trimester). Use extra cushions under your buttocks and forehead
  • In case of high blood pressure or extreme pressure in eyes or head. Place a cushion under your forehead or avoid these poses
  • In case of weak eyes, detached retina, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, or any ear or eye inflammation or infection
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