Causes & Natural Remedies For Dry and Itchy Scalp

By Patricia | March 23, 2010


Oily, itchy scalp could result from a variety of factors: heredity, allergic reaction to certain kinds of food, hormonal imbalances in the body, infrequent and improper washing of the hair, and underlying skin conditions. The sebaceous glands that lie beneath the scalp are responsible for secreting the essential oil. When these glands become overactive, the scalp turns oily. If one does not maintain proper personal hygiene, the excess oil on the surface of the scalp accumulates dust and dead skin cells and causes itchiness and dandruff.

Home Treatment

One of the basic rules for preventing oiliness of scalp is to wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo as frequently as may be necessary. Those who have naturally oily hair need to wash their hair more frequently than others. Go gentle on the conditioner if you have a naturally oily scalp, and use an anti-dandruff shampoo to prevent itchiness. In addition, avoid excessively oily foods. Opt for lots of fresh fruits and raw vegetables as they contain essential nutrients that keep the hair and the scalp in good health. Drinking at least 10 glasses of water every day also improves blood circulation to the scalp and moisturizes it naturally, thereby preventing it from becoming too oily and itchy. There are also several home remedies that you can follow to take care of oily scalp. You may grind the shavings of a coconut and massage the juice so obtained all over your scalp. Leave this on for 15 minutes and then rinse your head with water. If the itchiness is caused by dandruff, apply the juice of few fresh lemons on the scalp as well as the hair, wait for a few minutes and then start combing your hair gently with a nit comb. Make sure that the lemon juice spreads evenly across your scalp and the entire length of your hair. After 20 minutes, wash your head with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water. You may also use a mixture of yogurt and a little lemon juice to condition your hair regularly after shampooing. This keeps the scalp oil-free without rendering it too dry and gets rid of dandruff too. For another remedy, soak a few soap nuts in a cup of water overnight, grind them the next morning, strain the soapy liquid and rinse your hair with it while washing your hair. Before shampooing, you may also add a pinch of salt to a solution of malt vinegar and water and use this as a toning solution for hair.

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