Yoga: A Primordial Art Form Which Focus On True Sense Of Well Being Both Physically And Mentally

By Patricia | December 24, 2008
Benefits Of Yoga For Beginners

It’s so ironic that even in the modern age with cutting-edge life sciences and the latest medical equipment, we sometimes find the deepest answers to our health related problems in an ancient discipline. Yes I am talking about Yoga, a primordial art form, which focuses on the true sense of well being, both physically and mentally. For centuries Yoga has been fascinating the world with its amazing properties of bringing the body into a state of inner peace.

Yoga is truly unique compared to modern day sciences and exercises. It comprises of various Asanas (poses) practiced simultaneously with various meditation techniques to reach a plateau where one experiences total physical, emotional and mental tranquility. The amazing facet of Yoga Asanas (poses) is that they are designed to help in improving your health in numerous ways. If we talk about physical well-being then one can truly benefit from Yoga Asanas (poses). Firstly they help in increasing your flexibility. There are specific Asanas (poses), which help in increasing blood circulation and body strength thus improving your balance, and fostering your core muscles.

Now let’s look at the mental and emotional aspects of Yoga. Yoga is also a mind exercise as much as it is physical. It’s really a holistic experience, which helps in focusing your mind while sitting in various Asanas (poses) and Pranayama (breathing exercises) performing meditation. The key to meditation is to recognize your breathing patterns and maintain deep concentration. This helps in reducing stress from the daily monotones. With regular Yoga in your lifestyle, you will definitely start feeling an inner sanctity. This will also help in evoking positive emotions and building an optimistic outlook towards life. Thus, Yoga is also a great tool for converting negative emotions and energies into a positive force.

Although there are so many poses in Yoga, I will be highlighting just some of the most common techniques, which are easy to practice. Start with the Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward dog position). It’s simple; just get on the floor balancing on your hands and knees. Position your knees just below your hips and place your hands just above the shoulders.  Spread your palms and index fingers in an outwardly position.

Now inhale and slowly lift your knees from the floor. Remember at first keep the knees slightly bent or it will create tension or stress on your body. Then slowly lift your heels from the floor. Try to keep your tailbone truly stretched. Now gradually lift the sitting bones, and at the same time try to pull your inner legs up to the groin area. Exhale slowly and push your thighs and stretch your heels toward the floor. Now attempt to straighten your knees but do not lock them. Stiffen the outer thighs and turn the upper thighs slightly inward.

Place your outer arms stretched and press the base of the index fingers on the floor. Now lift your inner arms starting from the wrists to the shoulders. Make sure your shoulder grip is wide enough for keeping a proper balance. Keep the head straight and don't let it droop between your shoulders. This pose helps in relieving stress and depression. It also helps in preventing osteoporosis, energizing the body, and improving digestion.

Another pose, which is an extension of the Downward Facing Dog, is the Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose). From the Downward Facing Dog position, place your right foot forward besides your right hand. Now put your left heel down to the floor. Curve the right knee in such a position that your calf and thigh create a 90-degree position parallel to the floor. Place your right hand inside the right foot and stretch the left arm up towards the ceiling, wide-open your chest and put the left shoulder on top of the right looking towards your right hand. Now repeat the same exercise for the left side. This pose helps in shaping your legs and hamstrings and is excellent to strengthen the groin area.

Yoga is essential for boosting your mental and emotional strength. The easiest exercise for this would be sitting in the Easy Pose. This pose comprises of sitting in the cross-legged position stretching your spine in a straight position. Place your buttocks firmly on the floor with your feet just below the knees.  Put your hands on the knees in a relaxed position with the palms facing out. Now all you need is to relax your body. Stick your tongue out just between your front teeth. And inhale deeply through the nose down into the stomach region and hold on to your breath for as long as possible. Then slowly exhale in a relaxed way. The important aspect here is focusing on your breathing patterns because that is the key to good Yoga.

So be it beginner, intermediate or advanced, Yoga is essential to stay fit and maintain a good posture. Yoga on a daily basis will surely improve your lifestyle and your approach towards life.

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