How does Walking Benefit Men?

By Patricia | August 13, 2010
Men Walking Programs

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for men and women. However, this activity is more popular with senior citizens and women, than it is with younger men, as men usually prefer more vigorous forms of working out, which may include jogging, running, lifting weights or bench presses. While it may not be uncommon to see walking men, the truth is that most men resist walking, because it does not seem athletic enough. However, walking is not just healthy, it is important for all men and women. In order to enjoy health benefits like increased immunity, better strength, lower blood pressure and weight loss men need to add walking to their daily workout regime.
A proper walking program can help in:

  • Preventing several diseases
  • Improving self confidence and self esteem
  • Increasing a person’s cardiovascular endurance level
  • Maintaining a healthy weight and a lean muscle tone
  • Reducing blood pressure and the levels of cholesterol in the blood

One of the best ways to encourage men to walk is by letting them know about the various benefits that are associated with the activity, even if it is mentioned to them casually. The idea of walking for men is increasingly relevant today because of its effects countering stress. One of the biggest advantages of walking is that it does not require any special equipment and can be done just about anywhere. Men who do not like walking alone can easily find a walking companion or simply get their partners or spouses to accompany them. It has now also become quite common to see men go walking with their dogs, which is a great way to allow the dog to get some exercise too.

There are several gift options for walking men that can encourage men to take up or continue walking. Work out clothes, street maps, pedometers and walking shoes for men are some of the most common gifts. Walking canes may not make ideal gifts, but are very useful for men who are elderly or find it difficult to walk due to certain physical problems. Walking for older men is very important too, as it can prevent many conditions that are normally associated with old age, like diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, heart problems, strokes, Parkinson’s and dementia.

Although walking is a great exercise that does not usually lead to any side effects, it is best to consult a physician, before including this activity in your regular workout program, especially if you are elderly or suffer from any existing medical condition.

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