Jogging And Swimming Vs Walking

By Patricia | August 29, 2010
Walking Vs Jogging

Both walking and jogging have their own benefits. They help to tone the muscles and improve cardiovascular health. An exercise which makes you sweat also enables your body to flush out toxins. Those who walk or jog on a regular basis feel more energetic and experience better health. They are also both great exercises to lose weight. So how does one decide between walking vs jogging?

Speed Walking Vs Jogging

Factors such as age, weight, health and personal preferences determine the form of exercise that is most beneficial for you. Younger individuals who are in good health may opt for jogging. Many joggers experience a sensation of well being at the end of a good run. This is due to the release of endorphins in the body while running. Older individuals or those with knee and ankle problems may prefer lower impact exercise such as walking. The best way to decide between walking vs jogging is to analyze your capabilities. Keep in mind that if you have previously experienced a knee injury, jogging could aggravate the condition. It is advisable to consult a doctor before exercising. Walking reduces the risk of joint dislocations and sprains. Those with arthritis or osteoporosis will benefit from walking. Some people also find it difficult to decide between speed walking vs jogging. Speed walking is different from regular walking as one has to walk with a certain speed. It helps in calorie burning and is also used to improve the pace of an athlete. In speed walking vs jogging the calories burned are almost the same. Speed walking is recommended for those with weight problems.

Walking Vs Swimming

You also need to take into consideration your heart health when deciding between walking vs jogging. Those with hypertension, obesity or heart conditions must seek advice from their doctors before exercising. Beginners are advised to start slow and then slowly increase the intensity of exercise as stamina and endurance improves. Swimming is another beneficial form of aerobic exercise. Like walking, swimming also provides several health benefits. If your dilemma is centered on walking vs swimming, you must understand certain differences between the two. Walking can be done at anywhere and at any time of the day. You require only comfortable clothes and good shoes. On the other hand, to swim you need water. The water must also suit the weather as it is impossible to swim in cold water during winter. Most people go to swimming pools in gyms and this also requires membership fees.

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