Running: The Best Workout for Your Body

By Patricia | August 4, 2010
Running: The Best Workout for Your Body

Running is possibly the best workout for your body, not just to shed those extra pounds, but to build and tones muscles, and build endurance. The benefits of running daily cannot be understated and there is no denying that it can make you look years younger. The health crisis that most of the developed world’s population faces can be attributed to stress, a lack of physical activity and unhealthy diets and other lifestyle problems. While enrolling at a gym or the nearest yoga studio could solve the problem to a large extent this can be expensive, and more importantly most people do not have the time.

Running offers you an inexpensive and convenient alternative. The benefits of running in place are no less than the benefits of running on a treadmill in that expensive gym.

Although we are all hard pressed for time the choices you make are up to you and it is essential that you create the time for exercise and fitness and for relaxation. Without these essentials your quality of life and consequentially life expectancy is severely reduced. Running does offer us an extremely convenient and easy way to relax and exercise, but this should not imply that convenient choices are the best ones. This could however be a good starting point. Many of the health threats that challenge our population can easily be averted. The benefits of running everyday are not limited to the muscle building and strengthening effect, but it also helps reduce the risk of breast cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and a variety of other stress related disorders.

Here are some of the benefits of running:

  • If you are overweight and haven’t been convinced enough to take up running then think about this. An average of 100 calories is burnt for each mile that you run, making weight loss the most popular benefit of running.
  • An important benefit of running that should concern you is that it greatly slows down muscle and bone loss, which is a common feature of aging.
  • The benefits of running for women are also significant because it does help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Running regularly is also a good safeguard against heart disease as it raises HDL levels, reducing the likelihood of blood clots and also improving the quality of your breathing.
  • The benefits of running are not just restricted to your physical being but also exercise a healing effect on the mind.
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