Cardio Exercise For Fat Burn

By Patricia | November 20, 2008
Interval Training To Burn Fat

The best way to maximize cardio exercise for fat burn is to employ a technique called interval training. Interval training is regularly used by professional athletes. It is one of the best ways to increase stamina and endurance, and also to burn fat.

What Is Interval Training

In interval training, you vary the intensity of your workout to obtain maximum gains. It involves alternating brief intervals of high intensity activity with periods of low intensity activity. Let me illustrate it better by taking the example of running.

Most runners aim to complete a certain amount of distance in a certain amount of time. They try to maintain a constant pace throughout the run. Although, this is a good workout in itself, it won’t maximize the amount of fat that you burn. When you apply interval training techniques to running, the old concept of maintaining a steady pace goes right out of the window. In interval training, you would alternate all out sprints with sedentary jogs or walks. A typical routine would involve you sprinting for 1 minute, followed by walking (or jogging) at a sedate pace for 2 minutes, followed by another sprint, and so on. When you are in the intensive phase of interval training, you must try and exert all your effort into that activity.

Interval training techniques can easily be adapted to all forms of cardio exercises including swimming, running, jogging, cycling, or aerobics. You can even use these techniques in the gym on cardio equipment such as treadmills, stair masters and elliptical trainers. You can create your own personalized interval training session or borrow from one of the ready made interval training techniques that can be found in magazines or online.

One very popular interval training technique is called ‘walk-back sprinting’. In this technique, you sprint for a predetermined distance (of 100 to 800 meters) and then walk back to the point where you started from. It may sound simple, but if you keep this up for 15 minutes, you’ll find out that appearances can be deceptive.

Is There A Risk Of Injury

Interval training involves high intensity cardio exercises and as such there is always a slight risk of injury. However, if you use proper equipment, follow the correct technique, and warm up and cool down adequately, there is no reason why it shouldn’t work for you.

Do keep in mind that initially you will feel awful. After your first session you will be sweating, your lungs and thighs will be on fire, you may feel dizzy, and even throw up. This is normal, especially if you are not accustomed to such intensive activity. However, with a little perseverance, you will soon be able to cross this hurdle and burn off those unwanted pounds like never before.

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